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Edge Protection at Quarry Faces

Quarry Safety Week; All Island Quarry Safety Conference. ... (Quarries) Regulations 2008 requires the operator to ensure, as regards that quarry, that work is planned taking into account the elements of the safety statement that concern the risks of falls. ... If straps and poles are the collective system specified by the operator then the ...

Hazards with utility poles start from the ground up

Before any work begins with pole handling, a hazard analysis or job safety analysis must be done. A tailboard talk must be held and documented every day, and all appropriate personal …

Quarry Essentials Pocket Guide

qualified electrician, with an annual safety certificate issued. Provide warning poles and flags cautioning of overhead power lines. Mobile and relocatable equipment at quarries must be assessed yearly against AS/NZS 3007 by a qualified mining electrical inspector. For more information refer to section 12.12 of Health and Safety

Laws & Regulations

Mine Safety Laws and Regulation Updates. 2024 Reference Manual – West ia Mine Safety Laws and Rules – Revised October 15, 2024 (PDF) ... 2023 (PDF) 2020 Reference Manual – Rules Governing the Safety of Those Employed In and Around Quarries in West ia (PDF) ... Regulations – 2021. Senate Bill 677; Senate Bill 635; Final Filed ...


An Act to provide for the safety, health and welfare of persons engaged in prospecting, mining and quarrying operations including any works which are part of and ancillary to mining and quarrying operations and to make provision with respect to the inspection and regulation of mines, quarries, works, and of machinery used in connection therewith, and for matters incidental …

Pole Handling

Safety factors will vary according to the practices and policies of different utilities. OHSA regulations specify a safety factor of five to one. Thus, the load applied must not exceed the …

Why Regular Utility Pole Maintenance Is Important

Explore why regular utility pole maintenance is important for reliable infrastructure and public safety, and learn how McWane's ductile iron poles make maintenance cheaper, faster, and easier compared to weaker pole materials.

Policy for Treated Utility Poles in Water Supply Areas

The above shall also apply to anchor boxes used to stabilize poles and/or guy wires. 4.0 APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS. The utility companies are required to submit a detailed plan for any new transmission line, or the placement of new poles to be located in a water supply area, to this department for approval before undertaking any work.

Please Keep Utility Poles Clear – It's for Everyone's Safety

Safety Hazards: Utility workers climb poles carrying power lines with up to 15,000 volts. Items attached to poles—whether signs, cameras, or satellite dishes—create obstacles that can cause workers to trip, snag, or fall. Pole Damage: Nails, staples, and foreign materials deteriorate the wood, weakening the structural integrity of poles.

6 must-have safety measures for underground utility workers

What must-have safety measures should you be using in underground utility construction? 1. Follow excavation standards. One of the best ways to ensure utility …

Utility Pole Safety

The CPUC has considered utility pole safety issues in various proceedings. On this page you will find summary information on utility pole safety work.

California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 8608. Poles, …

"Steps" means permanent or detachable round or flat members attached to the pole or tower on one end with the other end designed to prevent the foot from sliding off while ascending or descending the pole or tower. ... Detachable steps for poles and towers shall meet the requirements of subsection (a)(1) or shall provide a suitable foothold ...

A Brief Introduction to Utility Poles

GO 95's rules include standards for pole "loads," i.e., the weight and stress on utility poles from attachments and weather conditions (e.g., heat, wind), and inspection requirements for communications providers. General Order 165 (GO 165) contains inspection …

Utility pole attachments

In order to share space, utilities and service providers must enter into third-party attachment agreements that are subject to meeting certain safety and reliability requirements. Before attaching to company-owned utility poles, third-party attachments must meet the National Electrical Safety Code requirements and the company's construction standards that are …

NLR 5/12

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2012 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (O.C. 2012-005) Amended by: 2018 c8 3/19 43/22 2022 cW-11.1 s168. NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR REGULATION 5/12. Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2012 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (O.C. 2012-005) (Filed …

How To Conduct A Utility Pole Inspection For Safety and …

Utility poles are a ubiquitous part of modern living. When everything is going right, people are so used to consistent power that they tend to ignore them completely. ... Compliance: Regulatory bodies often mandate routine inspections to maintain compliance with safety standards and regulations. Failing to adhere to these requirements can ...

Mine and Quarry

The Mine and Quarry Bureau enforces the 1975 Mine Safety and Health Act of North Carolina. The bureau provides education and training, technical assistance, and consultations and also helps mine and quarry operators to comply with the provisions of the 1977 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act.

Safety Concerns When Setting Wooden Utility Poles

Since the replacement pole must be set near energized conductors, Bob knows that OSHA mandates the following requirements be met to assure personal safety: Cover up all energized conductors and equipment before the pole is raised with the boom and winch of the line truck (see 1910.269(p)(4)(iii) and 1926.959(d)(3)(i)).


This vehicle hit the quarry face due to brake failure as it descended a ramp. This vehicle is being used with the steel core of tyres the showing. It is important that all vehicles whether contractors are part of the maintenance and inspection scheme. Related content. Health and safety at quarries. Quarries Regulations 1999; Competence in ...

Occupational Safety and Health Administration …

Citations can only be based on standards, regulations, and the General Duty Clause. Preface Powered augers are used predominantly in the agriculture, landscaping, construction and utility industries. They are commonly used to drill holes for pilings, utility poles, light poles and fence posts. The auger may be mounted on a variety of equipment or

CHAPTER 17 – Encroachments and Utilitie s Table of …

Section 3, "Utility Policies," addresses requirements for clear and safe right of way through the proper identification, placement, protection, relocation, abandonment or removal of utilities. Sectionand 4, ... "Encroachment" includes any tower, pole, pole line, pipe, pipe line, fence,

Electrical Utility Safety Rules

Electrical Utility Safety Rules This page is for the employer to record, if desired, to whom this Rule Book has been issued. ... Health and Safety Act and the Regulations that apply to the work; and c) has knowledge of any potential or actual danger to health or safety in the workplace.

Woodpecker's and utility pole damage

Woodpecker's, which have been notorious in their destructive of utility pole's, are a protected migratory . The Migratory Treaty Act (MBTA) protects all woodpeckers and their nests. This being said, numerous attempts have been made to "repel" woodpecker's from their damaging effects on utility poles. Because woodpeckers cause extensive damage in a …

A Brief Introduction to Utility Poles

reviews the safety rules applicable to utility poles and facilities attached to utility poles. Commission Rules California Public Utilities Code (PU Code) gives the Commission the authority to allow public ... Rules for jointly owned and jointly used poles including: consent requirements; types of poles ineligible for joint use; markings ...

National Wood Utility Pole Standards

Explores the basics of wood pole design, including the structural criteria that must be considered in determining the proper wood pole for specified loading, wind, ice and other conditions under …

Excavation Procedures for Damage Prevention

Personal injury may occur if job site safety requirements identified in job site tailboards are not adhered to for excavations. 2.1 Company crews, contractors performing work for Company (second parties), and third parties perform the following: 1. Ensure that the proposed excavation adheres to the requirements identified in Utility

Geotechnical Assessment of Limestone and Dolomite Quarries …

Abstract. Creating new attraction poles for settlement and investment in a desert environment is quite a complex issue. Such new poles have to satisfy two main factors; the environmental safety of the location and the economic base for living. Little information is revealed about the potentials of desert zones and their environmental hazards.

4 Tent Safety Requirements You Need to Know

Weighting/ballasts are sometimes used in locations where staking is impractical. In some circumstances, tents are requested to be installed on surfaces that cannot be staked. In these instances, we use a frame tent only.A pole tent …

Utility Job Site Safety Tips

New safety requirements from the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association Utility workers are required to perform their job duties, no matter how dangerous the task may be. In response to these dangers, the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association updated the Electrical Utility Safety Rules book (EUSR), effective January 1, 2024.

NOTEWORTHY PRACTICES Roadside Tree and Utility …

Roadside trees and utility poles comprise 63 percent of the fixed objects struck, making them the most harmful event in 14 percent of all fatal crashes.4 Given this overrepresentation, it is reasonable to suggest that managing roadside trees and utility poles would be common strategies to reduce fatal crashes; however most transportation