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Tailings Central Thickened Discharge; challenges faced …

thickened tailings include increased water recovery, reduction in the size of retaining embankments, improved facility safety, and reduced environmental impact. As a consequence …

Deposition Methods of Tailings

For surface thickened and paste storage the tailings are generally discharged from a central location either through risers or from point sources that are raised over the life of the facility. Dry stacking of tailings is normally carried out by a radial conveyor stacker or by truck (Davies and Rice 2001). Deposition techniques

Predicting beach profiles for thickened tailings surface …

Thickened tailings commonly exhibit non-Newtonian rheological behaviors, such as yielding and thixotropy, which remarkably affect their deposition characteristics. Rheology is an important tool for solving thickened tailings disposal problems (Nguyen and Boger, 1998). Although the single-layer deposition in flume tests has been extensively ...


  • McLanahanhttps:// › blog › dry-stack-tailings...

    Dry Stack Tailings: An Alternative to Conventional

    Thickened and dewatered tailings dry stacked. Underflows from a Paste Thickener. Placing paste thickened tailings in large tailings containment ponds has been the …

  • The Sarcheshmeh thickened tailings scheme – a case …

    The Sarcheshmeh thickened tailings scheme – a case study A Roshdieh et al. 588 Paste 2015, Cairns, Australia 90,000 t/day (33 Mtpa). The existing tailings management scheme was deemed not to be appropriate for the increased throughput. The original tailings deposition scheme comprised of tailings dewatering in

    Paste and thickened tailings – myth busting and …

    thickening processes. However, within the tailings industry, 'thickened tailings' has previously been defined as thickener underflow with a yield stress below 200±25 Pa (Jewell and Fourie, 2006). This definition for thickened tailings suggests that the lower limit for thickened tailings (as opposed to unthickened tailings) is

    Development and Implementation of Thickened …

    A detailed chronology of the assessment of thickened tailings through a number of deposition trials is provided below: Pre June 2000Tailings was pumped to old tailings storage facility in purely conventional manner. Tailings deposited at a density of approximately 55%. Flotation density was around 50% hence tailings dewatering


    Use of thickened tailings is less costly and has much less environmental impact than conventional tailings because tailings dams and their associated slime ponds are eliminated. In this paper, the resistance to liquefaction due to earthquakes of a proposed bauxite tailings deposit placed at a 2.9° slope is analyzed. The water content of the ...

    Paste and thickened tailings – myth busting and …

    thickened tailings suggests that the lower limit for thickened tailings (as opposed to unthickened tailings) is the requirement for the material to have been through a thickener. …

    Paste and Thickened Tailings – A Guide (third …

    Following on from the first edition released in 2002 and the second in 2006, the Australian Centre for Geomechanics released the third edition of Paste and Thickened Tailings – A Guide in 2015.

    Studies on thickened tailings deposition in flume tests …

    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of laboratory flume tests on thickened tailings were conducted to highlight the factors that may influence the slopes of final profiles achieved in such flumes. The numerical model was first validated against the analytical solution of a sheet of Bingham fluid on a flat plane at flow stoppage. It ...

    Tailings Paste Disposal – More than Water Recovery

    When water is expensive or scarce, water savings can more than pay for the cost of thickened tailings. Stacking. Surface stacking is the disposal of tailings as a paste on the surface of the ground. As paste is a non-settling, non-segregating suspension of solids, minimal water is released into the impoundment and the paste dries relatively ...

    Fillable Online Paste and Thickened Tailings

    Thickened tailings usually have a solids concentration of around 50-70%. Both paste and thickened tailings methods offer advantages over traditional slurry disposal methods, as they require less water and create a more …

    Slope prediction for thickened tailings and pastes

    Prediction of the slope formed by the deposition of dewatered tailings allows the residue disposal area to be sized to ensure maximum storage efficiency and stability. A small scale inclined plane apparatus was used to identify and understand the parameters affecting the deposition behaviour of dewatered mineral tailings.

    Shear and Rheology Reduction for Flocculated Thickened Tailings

    1 Introduction The rheological properties of flocculated thickened and paste tailings can be altered by breaking the floc-aggregate structures by shearing the mixture. The paper presents the results of test work conducted to investigate the performance of a shear device developed to reduce the rheology of flocculated thickened tailings slurries.

    Tailings Central Thickened Discharge; challenges faced …

    thickened tailings include increased water recovery, reduction in the size of retaining embankments, improved facility safety, and reduced environmental impact. As a consequence of the recent well-publicized tailings dam failures, the impetus to fast track the industry to store tailings with minimal water has been

    Surface Tailings Management & Thickened …

    RMS provides an integrative approach to surface tailings management and thickened tailings disposal By finding opportunities for minimizing tailings footprints, densifying extracted materials, process water recovery, pumping …

    Geotechnical Properties of Mine Tailings and …

    typically pumped by pipeline as a (slightly) thickened slurry. A typical tailings slurry will be deposited at between 25% to 45% solids by mass. To achieve high % solids, the tailings require thickening, and this approach is becoming more common across the industry. In the TSF, the relatively coarser grained fraction tends to be

    Paste Thickeners

    Paste/thickened tailings is a term for a non-Newtonian suspension of solids which are relatively non-settling and non-segregating. It has a self-supporting structure and, when deposited on the ground, will form an 'angle of repose'. A network of bonded fine particles accounts for …

    Tailings.info Beach Slope Prediction Methods

    Historically, with conventional low thickened tailings deposition, beach slopes could be expected to be in a typical range of 0.2 – 1.5% which can be managed, to some extent, if variations occur during the operational stage. However, today, where water conservation is becoming more prominent, the need to reduce losses through seepage ...

    Comparing Thickener Types for Tailings …

    Read this blog to learn about the different types of Thickeners used for tailings management. When it comes to managing tailings, producers have a variety of equipment options to help them reduce the volume of slurry …

    Infiltration Study in a Thickened Tailings Deposit

    In 2007, SRK Chile was involved in designing the first large-scale facility for thickened tailings in Chile. The project included a pilot plant to provide data on the beach angle of the tailings, and tests to estimate infiltration from the tailings into the ground. The soil water characteristic curve was determined in the laboratory and the ...

    SRK Publication | Tailings Central Thickened Discharge

    With constraints on water availability and costs associated with water, particularly in arid environments, thickened tailings disposal becomes an attractive scenario. A central thickened discharge (CTD) tailings storage facility (TSF) was designed and commissioned at a phosphate mining operation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The design stage ...

    Thickeners or thickener plants

    When considering a thickened tailings solution, there is the question of whether the technology to thicken tailings should be located in the thickener as a piece of equipment, or whether a complete solution is required to achieve the best performance. We typically view the components required to thicken tailings in isolation rather than ...

    Rheological behavior of paste in metal mines

    Cemented paste backfill (CPB) has been one of the best practical approaches for tailings management and underground goaf treatment. Paste rheology is a science to study the flow and deformation behaviors of paste or filling body under the effects of stress, strain, temperature, and time during the CPB process. The goal of studying paste rheology is to solve …

    Paste and Thickened Tailings Transportation Design …

    Tailings transport is an integrated element in any wet tailings storage facility (TSF). Tailings from the process plant are often thickened to a moderate or relatively high (but still pumpable) solids concentration, depending on several parameters mainly the TSF deposition requirements and strategies, process plant water security status and the dewatering …

    Yara pipeline transportation of thickened tailings

    Keywords: thickened tailings disposal, piston diaphragm pumps 1 Introduction Yara has operated the Siilinjärvi mine in Finland, Western Europe's only phosphate mine, since 1979. The mine produces around 1 M t of apatite concentrate from 11 M t ore annually. The concentrate is processed into phosphoric acid in Siilinjärvi.

    Paste 2025

    Paste is the 27th in the series of International Conferences on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings (P&TT), initiated by the ACG in 1999. This event seeks to explore the considerations needed to raise the mining industry leaders' awareness of how important environmental stewardship is to long-term industry sustainability, with regard to their tailings facilities.

    Dry Stack Tailings: An Alternative to Conventional

    Dry stack tailings management is becoming a more accepted practice due to the recurrent disasters seen with older, non-thickened and even more conventional thickened tailings storage facilities. The tragic loss of human life and significant environmental and physical damage to large tracks of land and communities are accelerating the ...

    Thickened and Paste Tailings Pipeline Systems: Design …

    The design methodology for pipeline systems conveying thickened and paste tailings systems has been well developed over the last decade. This series of papers outlines the process for designing and implementing a typical surface tailings or underground backfill pipeline system. The papers comprise the following parts: