آخرین محصولات

Pilequip – Piling and Foundation Equipment

With seven renowned brands, Pilequip represents over 20 years of powerful high-tech equipment for the Australian foundation industry. Our services include sale, rental, training, technical support, maintenance, overhaul and repair. Noise pollution, unwanted vibrations, safety and less energy consumption are the issues of our time. ...

Developing pile drivers and technology for the solar industry

"About 10 years ago, customers approached us and opened our eyes to what potential was in the pile driver market, especially for the installation of ground-mounted solar panels," said Ed Savage, product manager at Vermeer. "They had been operating other Vermeer equipment to help connect solar farms to the utilit…

Piling | Pile Mark Foundation | United Arab Emirates

Providing turn-key solutions in the field of piling and ground engineering, marine piling, structural works and rehabilitation, plant and equipment hire, Pile Mark has enormous experience in providing suitable and economical solutions to …

Reciprocating compressor foundation design with steel …

The dynamic design of the pile foundation must consider the overall dynamic response of the compressor package and foundation. A pile foundation design that is done without considering both the flexibility and inertia of the compressor package will not result in a design that reflects the actual compressor package and foundation response.

Helical piles An effective foundation system for plants

foundations. Helical pile load tests performed in cohesive soils and cohesionless soils are presented ... at a solar plant located in Upton, NY in compact sand (cohesionless soils) are referred to as Site 2. ... The pile installation equipment comprised of a drive unit mounted on an excavator or bobcat. The drive unit

Foundations of Solar Farms: Choosing the Right Piles and …

Hydraulic pile drivers are a versatile piece of equipment commonly used in solar farm construction. These machines offer the flexibility to switch between impact and vibratory driving methods, depending on the soil conditions and project requirements.

Bentonite mixing plant for drilling pile

The bentonite mixing plant for drilling pile is a complete set of equipment which combines the pulping machine and the grouting pump, and can work with high efficiency and low consumption, effectively reducing …

Estimation of Settlements of Bored Piles Foundation

The paper describes the estimating settlements of bored piles foundation on the site of the Elektrenai power plant, Lithuania. The bored piles foundation supports equipment of the power plant ...

RoleCatcher | Drive Steel Piles

Steel piles are typically driven into the ground using specialized equipment such as pile drivers or hydraulic hammers. The process involves lifting the pile into position and then repeatedly striking it with a heavy hammer or vibrating it to penetrate the …

Structural Stability: A Comprehensive Review of Pile Foundations …

The technique of permeable pipe pile, combining the advantage of pile foundation and drainage consolidation method, can apply to pile foundation construction and ground treatment with high ...


The leader in geotechnical equipment and services. With over 50 years' experience in the foundation and piling fields, we offer the perfect mix of equipment and advice. From a small grouting project to a large piling job, Pilequip SA is your complete geotechnical solution provider.

Pile driving equipment type and their uses

A pile driving equipment is a mechanical device utilized in driving piles or poles into the soil to provide foundation support for buildings and other structures. Before starting the construction of a building, the load-bearing capacity of the soil is analyzed at the site.

Developing pile drivers and technology for the solar industry

In solar panel installation, piles typically measure anywhere from 7 feet (2.1 m) to more than 25 feet (7.6 m) long. "There were already pile driving attachments on the market that contractors could put on a skid steer loader or an excavator to accommodate that size range, but the accuracy and productivity with these options is not what it needed to be for this type of …

Used Drilling Equipment for Sale

WELCOME TO THE USED FOUNDATION EQUIPMENT. We offer only Casagrande and other leader brands' equipment. We provide all the information for a completely safe purchase, with every pre and after sale services as you will get on the purchase of a brand new equipment.


In 1999 SPRB registered a Business name called "Sudan Pile for Roads and Bridges – (SPRB)". SPRB started its contracting activities in the area of pile testing, pile foundation design and pile construction. In 1995 SPRB signed its first contract for provision of earth moving equipment to State Petroleum Corporation (SPC) ...

Types of Pile Foundation and Piling Techniques

In this guide, we'll first explore what piling is and where it came from, then consider the different types of pile foundation, the methods of constructing piles, the installation of piles and finally the role of safe working …

200MMcf/d Gas Plant | TorcSill Helical Pile Foundations

TorcSill provided helical pile foundation solutions throughout the gas plant, including pipe racks, pipe supports and a wide variety of horizontal and vertical process equipment. Steel-to-steel design for all the foundations were critical in improving schedule, reducing construction complexities and reducing owner's cost to complete.

Plant & Equipment Available for Hire

Our Plant & Equipment Available for Hire All our specialist piling equipment is available for hire on a short or long-term basis, with or without labour at competitive ... Pile & Foundation Testing; Driven Piling Solutions. Concrete …


Power Helical Pile Foundations Power FOundation SERVICES Our TorcSills provide foundation solutions for the power industry by providing sustainable engineering, fabrication, and construction for power generation plants to high voltage transmission lines, substations, and battery storage projects around the globe. Across hundreds of miles of unforgiving terrain, …

Perfect House Plans for a Screw Pile Foundation

Screw Pile Foundations Bring Your Dream Home to Life. A screw pile foundation is an extremely versatile option to incorporate into your dream build. With tons of benefits and features that are hard to find in other types, consider speaking with your designer about all that a screw pile foundation has to offer. House Plan 1490

New Modern weiler Slip Former Plant for Prestressed Foundation Piles

At the end of 2012, KHM visited weiler in Gau-Algesheim – 60 km away from Frankfurt airport – looking for an advanced foundation pile production system. KHM required a daily capacity of 1.000 linear meters of foundation pile with cross sections 30x30 and 35x35 cm and lengths up to 18m. The new system plant had to fit into an existing hall.


A pile foundation is a deep foundation type with structural form resembling that of a column. Pile foundations penetrate the support soil and use friction forces between the side of the pile and the soil and/or end bearing …

Building Foundations for a Greener Future: The Eco-Friendly …

Biodegradable Materials: Using biodegradable materials for temporary piles or protective casings could help further reduce the long-term environmental impact of construction. Conclusion. Piling rigs are no longer just heavy, noisy machines—they're evolving into high-tech, eco-friendly equipment that plays a key role in sustainable construction.

Types, Uses, and Features of a Piling Machine | Al …

The use of pile foundation systems, often involving groups of piles connected by a pile cap, helps distribute loads that exceed the bearing capacity of a single pile. Pile caps and isolated piles are usually interlinked …


This work shall consist of furnishing and driving foundation piles of the type and dimensions specified including cutting off or building up foundation piles when ... The plant and equipment furnished for steam and air hammers shall have sufficient capacity to maintain, under working conditions, the volume and pressure ...

Reciprocating compressor foundation design with steel …

Driven pile and helical or screw pile foundations are good alternatives that have been used successfully, even for very large reciprocating compressor packages. A pile foundation has …

plant and equipment used in the construction of pile foundation

Bored Compaction Pile Foundation: … Major Plant Equipment and Machinery: Equipment for … Complete design and construction package. » More detailed! Equipment – T-OZ Construction. Mini-Excavator with specialized mounts for augured drilling of shafts for soldier piles, caissons, pole foundations, …

How to Pour Concrete for Pile Foundation? [PDF]

As pile foundations carry a lot of load, they must be installed with utmost care. ... The selection of suitable equipment and the process employed for concrete pouring may vary based on the pile size and location of the structure. If the pile borehole is dry, one may use any suitable means to pour concrete, but the falling height of concrete ...

STAAD Foundation Advanced

STAAD Foundation Advanced is a structural foundation design and analysis software. You can perform isolated, combined, pile cap and mat foundations or more complex foundations including horizontal vessel foundations, tank annular ringwall, lateral analysis of pile/drilled piers, and vibrational analysis for machine foundations.

Pile Foundation Questions and Answers

Explanation: According to the use of pile foundation, end bearing pile foundation is used to transfer load through water or soft soil to a suitable bearing stratum. These piles develop most of the load – bearing capacity at the toe of the pile. ... They also require heavy equipment for handling. 6. In Which condition composite piles are used ...