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High Pressure Acid Leach

High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) is a process used to extract nickel and cobalt from laterite ore bodies. The HPAL process utilizes elevated temperatures (roughly 255 degrees Celsius), elevated pressures (roughly 50 bar or 725 psi), and sulfuric acid to separate nickel and cobalt from …

Separation and recovery of scandium from high pressure sulfuric acid

A process for separation and recovery of Sc from high pressure acid leach (HPAL) liquor of limonitic laterite was proposed in this paper. Based on the chemical composition of the leach liquor ...


pressure acid leach piping standard details manually actuated valve ga 314978-25000-m-c01-20005 10-04-06 total: 448 lbs 202 kg aa issued for approval issued for construction valve & adaption: 328 lbs 148 kg ... pressure end 19 13 273.1 10.75 431.8 17.00 28.00 hw 711.2. title: 124488 - sheet1 author:

Method for shortening operation shutdown time of high pressure acid …

the situation leading to inevitable shutdown of the above High Pressure Acid Leach equipment includes, other than shutdown accompanied with the above scheduled inspection and repair, the generation of emergency such as a process trouble, which could give tremendously bad influence on safety or environment; or the case of generation of a relatively small scale trouble such as …

HPAL: Upping The Pressure

High Pressure Acid Leaching ... Slurry is reacted with sulphuric acid in the autoclave to leach nickel and cobalt, on average at 255oC and 4,500kPa, +17% and +54% respectively vs. POX. The CCD wash then separates out the residue (mostly iron oxide), before acid neutralisation and sulphide precipitation.

Sulfur Removal and Iron Recovery from High-Pressure Acid …

High-pressure acid leach (HPAL) residue from laterite nickel ore is a potentially valuable resource for ironmaking; however, its efficient utilization is hindered by its high sulfur …

HPAL & POx Autoclave Valves

The mining industry poses some of the most challenging of all severe service applications. The most difficult of these challenges are high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) and pressure oxidation (POx). These applications require experience, reliability and resistance to high-temperatures, high-pressures and abrasive/corrosive slurries. Hydrometallurgy Technologies Using …

Introduction to Pressure Acid Leach

Pressure Acid Leach 10.1016/J.HYDROMET.2021.105604 The behaviour of nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co) and major impurities such as aluminium (Al), trivalent chromium [Cr(III)] and ferric iron [Fe(III)] during the partial neutralisation of synthetic pressure acid leach (PAL) liquors and pulps was investigated.

Atmospheric pressure acid leaching of Caldag lateritic nickel …

Atmospheric pressure acid leaching is one of the three common hydrometallurgical processes used to extract nickel and cobalt from lateritic nickel ores on …

Open Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference …

3.1 High-Pressure Acid Leach Technology in Indonesia Nickel laterite ore can be found in Indonesia in the ultramafic rocks distributed in Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua Islands (Figure 3). Indonesia is a tropical region and the nickel laterite ores can be found are nickel and cobalt [3]. ...

HPAL: Upping The Pressure

High Pressure Acid Leaching HPAL is the most widely adopted technology for processing lower grade limonite ores, particularly given the Caron process is no longer seen as economic. It …

Recent Progress in Hydrometallurgical Processing of Nickel …

The atmospheric acid leaching at atmospheric pressure is known as DNi, and if the operation happens at high pressure, it is known as NAPL. Depending on the pressure used, the leaching operations are classified as DNi and NAPL.

Smelter HPAL Harita Nickel (NCKL) Beroperasi Pertengahan …

(NCKL) menargetkan fasilitas pemurnian atau smelter berbasis High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) berkapasitas 65.000 ton per tahun beroperasi pada pertengahan 2024. Direktur Utama Harita Nickel Roy Arman Arfandy mengungkapkan bahwa NCKL saat ini tengah mempersiapkan pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian HPAL kedua. Fasilitas ini diharapkan dapat …

High pressure acid leaching

As such, High Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) is the preferred treatment option for laterite projects. The HCE can accommodate a simple amenability leach test, progressing to scoping studies on master composites, right through to bankable feasibility studies encompassing comprehensive leach optimisation, process validation and variability studies.

Atmospheric acid leaching of nickel laterites review

This hydrolysis generates acid and reduces the overall acid consumption of the HPAL process but leaves about 50–60 g/L free acid in the leach solution. The leach slurry is 'flashed' from the autoclave, the solids are separated from the liquor by counter current decantation (CCD), the liquor neutralised to remove iron(III), aluminium and ...

Pilot Studies of the Ravensthorpe Nickel Project's Pressure Acid Leach

Operators of nickel laterite pressure acid leach and gold pressure oxidation technology frequently employ a series of steam condensing heaters to preheat the leach feed slurry. The heaters are an economic pinch point - although the thermal performance of the heaters is critical to overall process viability and operating cost minimisation, they are also a significant capital …

Removal of iron from acidic leach liquor of lateritic nickel …

The former is rich in ferric oxide and has low contents of magnesium, aluminum, and other acid consuming elements, thus is usually processed by hydrometallurgical methods, especially acid leaching methods, including high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) (Whittington and Muir, 2000) and atmosphere acid leaching (AL) processes (McDonald and ...

High pressure acid leaching of a refractory lateritic nickel ore

This paper describes the experimental findings of the extraction of nickel and cobalt by high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) of a refractory limonitic nickel laterite ore from the …

Merdeka Battery Materials

MBMA aims to become a leading, vertically integrated battery materials company by developing significant midstream and downstream projects in the battery materials value chain to produce higher value-added Class 1 products.. …

Separation and recovery of scandium from high pressure sulfuric acid

A process for separation and recovery of Sc from high pressure acid leach (HPAL) liquor of limonitic laterite was proposed in this paper. Based on the chemical composition of the leach liquor, precipitation thermodynamic analysis and experiments were conducted. ... (RRAL) and high-pressure acid leaching (HPAL) (Liu et al., 2010, Connor et al ...


residual acid as the saprolite can act like limestone to soak up the acid while recovering nickel, and referred to two example processes: BGRIMM have developed an Inverse Leaching Process which uses an atmospheric tank limonite leach followed by secondary autoclave leach (at 150. o. C) for the saprolite, and a two-stage

Vale, Huayou to build new HPAL processing plant in …

The two companies signed the heads of agreement to build a $1.8bn new high-pressure acid leach (HPAL) plant in Sorowako, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The agreement expands the existing partnership between the two companies, which started earlier this year through Huayou conducting the feasibility study.

The HPAL Process

Figure 1: High Pressure Acid Leach equipment. About Total Materia Total Materia is the leading materials information platform, providing the most extensive information on metallic and non-metallic material properties and other material …

Ej Atlas

This second smelter uses the High-Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) technology, which smelters nickel from ore applying ... DBS launches USD 625 million financing structure for PT Halmahera Persada Lygend, Indonesia's first high pressure acid leach smelter, DBS press release - 01/04/2021 Click to view [29] GEM: China's Easpring to buy nickel ...

Pabrik Bahan Baku Baterai Kendaraan Listrik Pertama di …

23 June 2021 Pabrik Bahan Baku Baterai Kendaraan Listrik Pertama di Indonesia. Pemurnian nikel kadar rendah dengan teknologi hidrometalurgi High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) oleh Harita Nickel merupakan proyek pionir di Indonesia yang menghasilkan bahan baku baterai kendaraan listrik.

Obi HPAL Nickel-Cobalt Project

The Obi high-pressure acid leach (HPAL) nickel-cobalt project is located in the North Maluku province on the Obi Islands of Indonesia. The nickel-cobalt processing and refining plant is being developed by Halmahera Persada Lygend, a joint venture between Indonesia's Harita Group and China's Ningbo Lygend.

Full article: The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide …

High pressure acid leaching (HPAL) is the preferred method for the extraction of Ni and Co from oxide (limonite) and clay silicate type ores to produce a diverse range of products (i.e. mixed sulfide precipitate, mixed …

Measurement of pH in high-temperature nickel laterite pressure acid

The measurements in pressure acid leach solutions were performed with an yttria-stabilized zirconia electrode referred to as YSZ-3. Two sets of measurements were done, namely runs 1 and 2. The calibration coefficient, α, was evaluated using Eq. (1) based on diffusion potentials calculated using the Henderson equation (Eq. (2)). The values of ...


the last decade, high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) in autoclaves has become the technologically preferred method for processing gold present in sulfide minerals. AL autoclaving entails subjecting the acidic ore to temperatures up to HP 250°C with pressures in greater than 50 atmospheres (750 psi). Under these

Perpetual Technologies

Perpetual Technologies provides consulting services in the fields of materials, surface engineering, and nanotechnology. More precisely, the company: