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Flocculants and tailings – Process productivity

3. Improving the quality of overflow water returned to the process. Some have published on the potential for flocculants in returned thickener overflow to have adverse impacts on upstream processes (e.g. flotation). However, …

The Evaluation of Starch-Based Flocculant on the Thickener …

Microscopic studies show that molybdenite plate-like coarse particles are transferred to the thickener overflow (process water) in the presence of starch flocculant, …

Lesson 23: Sludge Dewatering and Thickening

An alternative to gravity thickening is dissolved air flotation. Thickening is the process by which biosolids are condensed to produce a concentrated solids product and are relatively solids-free supernatant (the relatively clear water layer between the sludge on the bottom and the scum on the surface of a tank or basin, an anaerobic digester ...


The development of polymer floccul ants in the 1960's (e.g. McCart y, ... breakage, poor settling and dirt y thickener overflow. Large gravit y head differentials between the .


Polymer thickening plays a crucial role in optimizing overflow clarity by aiding in the settling of solid particles, improving the quality of overflow water, and contributing to effective water reclaim processes. Additionally, …

(PDF) The Evaluation of Starch-Based Flocculant on the Thickener …

Table 2 Chemical analysis of overflow and underflow samples of middle thickener in molybdenum plant (XRF to determine Cu and AAS to measure Fe and Mo) Element Mo Fe Cu Feed Underflow Overflow 16.30 15.20 20.52 17.50 17.57 9.75 17.03 18.02 5.00 Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 3.3 Effect of Starch on Grade and Recovery of Molybdenum During …

Laboratory Continuous Dynamic Thickening Tests

Polymer dosages were varied from 7.6 g/ton to 19.6 g/ton anionic polymer using 0.0125 percent solution and up to 15 g/ton cationic polymer using 0.0125 and 0.00625 percent solution, respectively. Rake speeds were regulated from 4.1 to 16.0 rpm. Effect of Polymer on Overflow Clarity. Dynamic test results are presented in Table 4.

THK Hybrid System Thickens Without Polymer

Thickening of waste activated sludge (WAS) before anaerobic digestion can reduce costs substantially. Typically, WAS is more difficult to thicken than primary sludge. Traditional methods include gravity belt and rotary drum thickeners and dissolved air flotation (DAF).

Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet Gravity Thickening

Table 3 shows typical chemical dosages used in thickening. Polymer dosage will vary between 2.5-6 g/kg (5-12 Ibs/ton) of dry solids. ... thickener overflow rate is too low Overflow rate is too high, thickened solids pumping rate is too high, short circuiting of flow through tank Heavy accumulation of solids, foreign object jammed in mechanism ...

Design and control of flotation thickeners

Thickening of float solids occurs principally by drainage of interstitial water from the float above the water level. Both the solids loading rate and the height of float above the …


Polymer thickening plays a crucial role in optimizing overflow clarity by aiding in the settling of solid particles, improving the quality of overflow water, and contributing to effective water reclaim processes. Additionally, polymer thickening influences the underflow density affecting the efficiency of tailings disposal.

Sludge treatment − dissolved air flotation thickening

How DAF works. Dissolved air flotation (DAF) provides thickening of sludges (i.e. thickens the sludge) by encouraging the solids to float to the surface, rather than allowing them to sink as in gravity thickening.. DAF is applied to increase the sludge solids concentration when these solids are neutrally buoyant (i.e. neither sink nor float) and so cannot be readily …

Solids Thickening

2.2.8 Rectangular Thickener Considerations 23-16 2.3 Operational Considerations Related to Design 23-16 2.3.1 Feed Solids Source and Characteristics 23-16 2.3.2 Polymer 23-17 2.3.3 …

sludge flotation theckenar daf

the polymer in thickener overflow floatation . Dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickening concentrates solids as a result of the attachment CHAPTER 12 Sludge Processing and Disposal Consideration should be given to the use of chemicals or polymer to improve solids capture in the thickening process.

Thickener Operation and Flocculant Application

Flocculant dilution systems are being installed at both the preoxidation thickener and the CCD thickeners. Each system will provide a minimum 100:1 dilution to each thickener using its own overflow. A vertical centrifugal pump will deliver preoxidation thickener overflow from its sump back to the flocculant distribution header.

china thickener Suppliers & Manufacturers

China thickener Suppliers & Manufacturers, include Hengbon Industrial Co., Ltd, Henan Huazhu Machinery Equipments Co.,Ltd, Yantai Xinhai Measurement & Control ...

Pilot Plant Scale Leaching of Zinc From Angouran Plant Flotation

The thickener overflow of zinc concentrate, obtained from flotation process in the Angouran plant located in Iran, contains a large quantity of slimes which were transferred to the tailing ponds. These slimes have caused problems of storing and environmental aspects in the Angouran area. The objective of this research is to describe the extraction of zinc from these …

Sludge Dynamic thickening

The accelerated dynamic thickening of biological sludge is used to: eliminate the large static thickeners which, with this type of sludge, are modestly efficient and the source of loaded returns to the plant inlet (COD, phosphorus, nitrogen...); …

Feeding a Thickener for Good Settling and Underflow Density & Overflow

When I first began talking about the components of the thickener I mentioned that the WELL of the thickener is the place that the feed enters at. As I mentioned, this is to aid in evenly spreading the concentrate over the bed of the thickener. It also does one other thing, there is always a portion of the mineral that settles faster than the rest.

Flocculants and tailings – Process productivity

Some have published on the potential for flocculants in returned thickener overflow to have adverse impacts on upstream processes (e.g. flotation). However, most solid phases readily take up any polymer present.

Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet

There are several different methods for thickening biosolids, including dissolved air floatation (DAF), centrifugal thickening, gravity belt thickening, and gravity thickening. Gravity thickening uses the natural tendency of higher-density solids to settle out of liquid to concentrate the solids. Gravity thickeners consist of a circular tank

Lesson 11: Sludge Thickening Objective

An alternative to gravity thickening is dissolved air flotation. Thickening is the process by which biosolids are condensed to produce a concentrated solids product and a relatively ... flows over the effluent overflow while scum removal equipment removes scum from the surface. There are several factors that will affect the operation of ...

Solids Thickening

2.2.8 Rectangular Thickener Considerations 23-16 2.3 Operational Considerations Related to Design 23-16 2.3.1 Feed Solids Source and Characteristics 23-16 2.3.2 Polymer 23-17 2.3.3 Underflow Withdrawal 23-17 2.4 Ancillary Equipment/Controls 23-17 2.5 Design Example 23-17 3.0 DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION THICKENER 23-18

Lesson 29: Biosolids Thickening Calculations

Thickening of biosolids can be accomplished with gravity thickeners, flotation thickeners, or solids concentrators. Biosolids thickening is based on the fact that the solids in the primary and secondary are equal to the thickened biosolids. ... That is, assuming that a negligible amount of solids are lost in the thickener overflow, the solids ...

The effect of residual coagulants and flocculants in process …

The acrylamide acrylate co-polymer in process water had the most influence. ... Water in mining operations and mineral concentrators is recycled from tailing dams, thickener overflow and dewatering and filter products (Levay et al., 2001, ... After completing the flotation process, three tailings' samples were taken using 10 mL syringes for ...


Starting with the basics of thickener theory, key elements of the sedimentation process and options for thickener selection are explored, as well as testwork requirements …

Beginners guide to thickeners

The measurable parameters that can be used for thickener control include thickener feed flow rate, feed density, underflow density, overflow clarity, bed level, bed mass, rake torque, rake height, solids settling rate and underflow rehology.

Thickener Control using Turbidity measurement.

Most thickener controls are based on Sludge Blanket Detectors, for the feedback of sludge build up. It's a slow process, so expect a reasonable length of time before getting a reasonable value back. Also your process lab should be doing jar tests for the thickener polymer addition rates, and at what percentage strength of polymer.

Lesson 11: Sludge Thickening Objective

We know polymer can be added to enhance sludge thickening in a DAF unit. Let's take a look at how polymer addition can impact the operational parameters of the process.

Sludge Thickening

An alternative to gravity thickening is dissolved air flotation. Thickening is the process by which biosolids are condensed to produce a concentrated solids product and a relatively solids-free supernatant (the relatively clear water layer between the sludge on the bottom and the scum on the surface of a tank or basin, an anaerobic digester, or ...