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Borax is stealing my gold

However, this revelation has spurred me to seek out a superior alternative. Introducing a groundbreaking new formula, Formula, designed to outperform borax in every aspect. Its efficacy not only preserves gold but enhances the overall quality of the jewelry-making process, ensuring both precision and integrity in every piece crafted.


Karat Gold should not need much Borax or flux in the smelt/melt. What was your plan with melting it in the first place? Reply. DeBangis Member. Joined Aug 8, 2024 Messages 23 ... Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum. Looking for learning, Latest: Yggdrasil; Today at 9:44 AM; Introductions - About Yourself. M.

Question on rinse process

Oh. Thank you for the help though. I want to build a simple electrowinning device so I can get pure gold and silver. Figured another option was smelt this down then use copper sulfate solution and electrolysis and pull the copper back out if it's present and drop the silver and gold back in the slime.

hallo from jivo.j | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Potato's can be used to separate the mercury in amalgam from the metals, and borax (glass) is used to scorify base metals into a slag layer in a melt with granulated lead. The cupellation will not separate out the Silver Gold and Platinum that you mention from each other, what remains in the cupel will be an alloy of those 3 metals.


Isn't there another method besides the borax? Its so hard to deal with and the map gas turns it black.

Melting and Refining of Gold

Gold refining can be achieved by high-temperature chlorination of the molten metal (Miller process) followed by electrorefining (Wohwill pro cess). The Miller process consists of chlorine …

Silver Refining Chems or Tips | Gold Refining & Metal …

According to Sir T.K. Rose, a few silver atoms are known to behave as if they are gold atoms, so you might expect a trace showing in once refined gold. Otherwise, if you use good practice, your gold should be pretty much silver free. If you're using the AR process for gold, be certain to include a few drops of sulfuric acid in each batch.

kind of Borax | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Chapman Recipe Gold & Silver Smelting / Refining Flux. Contains 40% Borax, 20% each: Soda Ash, Manganese Dioxide, Silica. ... then dry it or give it a recrystallization to get an even purer borax. You can see the 1° process (borax to boric acid) here (p. 208): ...

Excess borax | Page 2 | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction …

Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum . Excess borax. Thread starter Desk51; Start date Nov 6, 2019; Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. ... How much Soda Ash and Borax is mixed to mix with gold while melting it ? (Flux formula) Or should I use only ...

Refining Gold with Borax... Missing a step asking for …

I am new to the gold refining process and all research I did stated and demonstrated the process of crushing, and running gold flour down the sluice over felt carpet, using soap to weigh down gold and panning it into plastic, adding equal amount of borax. Prepare clay with borax by melting it...

how to seperate gold from borax????

The process you used should be considered a recovery process, not a refining process. You should have dissolved the recovered gold, then filtered and precipitated to purify (refine). It's a bit late for that now, but you'll be able to refine the recovered values with just a …

"Borax Method"

Hello, I'm going to introduce myself since I'm kinda new. My name is Herb Bartley. I have been gold mining as a hobby for about 20 years. My interest in refining really is more of an interest in recovery. This sounds very similar to the way I have processed black sands. I have seen the videos on youtube of filipinos smelting gold. It's pretty ...

Processing MLCC's | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Then melted with appropriate fluxes (mainly borax) and poured into a conical mold, so that the metal is easily separated from the slag. ... Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum. Clean Gold Fingers. Latest: GoIdman; Today at 3:02 PM; General Gold Refining Discussion. newbie. Latest: Yggdrasil; Today at 2:42 PM; Introductions - About Yourself. P.

Extracting gold using borax? Can someone explain? | Gold Refining

Then the excess mercury is burned off, I think the ratio of precious metal to mercury is something like 1/5. Then the mercury is burned off when the gold is melted. The borax was only used after the gold had been extracted. At best the borax was used to refine impurities, not extracting the gold.

Cementing with Zinc didn't go as planned. | Page 2 | Gold Refining

Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum . Cementing with Zinc didn't go as planned. Thread starter Nouran Alaa; Start date Aug 4, 2024; Help Support Gold Refining Forum: ... If there is any remnant of paper ash a trick is to add a small pinch of borax to the molten pool of gold. The borax will sizzle about and settle on the wall of the crucible ...

flux recipe for smelting fines

douglas23, Gold or even silver can be cleaned up a little bit (slightly) in a melt with flux, but in reality the improvement is only minor basically, and even if you tried it with the placer gold you still would most likely not improve the gold to make it workable enough to make jewelry out of the impure gold. The gold needs refined. Hoke's book will describe the flux used to …

Gold Recovery Computer Scrap Complete Process

I learned some things that will help streamline the process ... to add What do you add to the gold and the filter and what does it do when smelting and does it alter the purity of the gold What does the molten borax ... color. Then once the peroxide is driven off you can ppt the gold. This of course will be a dirtier gold but a second refining ...

Crucible borax/carbon dilemma trapping gold | Gold Refining …

Yes, added to the sulphuric. I've used nitric to remove last bits of borax from gold buttons so figured it might help. The gold is trapped throughout the chunks of the "glass blobs" in small balls. The gold on the outside and not trapped pulled together and I was able to remove. It did destroy the crucible but not doing a thing to the glass.

nitric turned a dark rust color

Heat it to 68C for an hour. Let it cool and settle to room temperature. Carefully decant the solution and save it for silver recovery. Repeat this process with concentrated nitric acid. Save the solution for possible palladium. To what's left, heat with aqua regia. Process this AR solution for gold and the platinum group metals (PGM's).

Boiling slag in water

I had clients in NYC who purposely used only borax for melts. And the dense slag held up beads. They used large stainless steel pots to boil water and dissolve the slag, leaving behind all of the beads. ... Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum. Silver Moon. Latest: Yggdrasil; Today at 3:12 AM; Silver. PCB scrap. Latest: Yggdrasil; Today at 3: ...

how to dissolve melted borax chemically | Gold Refining …

Boil the borax in water, really boil it, not just hot. While it is still very hot decant the liquid which will have dissolved 80 to 90% of the borax. Let it cool and the borax will crystallize out and the water is poured off. It probably takes about 1 1/2 gallons of water per pound of slag. The stones are picked from that fraction manually.

Gold stuck in borax

If there is borax stuck on the gold button, Geo gave me the tip to boil it in dilute sulfuric acid. Cleans all the borax off. artart47 . Reply. B. butcher ... Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum. S. For Sale COLTAN ORE FOR SALE. Latest: suf190; Yesterday at 3:16 PM; For Sale, Trade & Wanted. Pgm refining.

Need help removing borax from Button... | Gold Refining

I melted my brown gold dust produced and ended-up with a very beautiful button-nugget about 1/4 ounce in weight.. I say nugget because it was poured from the graphite dish into the water a bit soon and it looks a lot like a native gold nugget. The problem I have is that a bit of borax ended-up sticking on the nugget.

Preparing new melting dish | Gold Refining & Metal …

If you see a film add a sprinkle of borax. 5) Let the button cool until it forms a solid surface and pluck it out of the hot borax while it is still molten. use a pair of clean stainless steel tweezers for this step. 6) Immediately quench the gold button in cold water to shatter the borax that may have stuck to it when it was removed form the dish.

Removing Gold From Borax

That's the mix for old borax in a remelt but for just melting karat gold use 2 parts borax, 1 part soda ash, and 1 part flourospar. That will make a nice fluid flux that shouldn't hold up your beads. ... Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum. K. Would these chips be worth trying to recover the gold from? Latest: kurtak; Today at 6:46 AM;

Removing Diamonds from borax/flux/slag | Gold Refining

Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum . Removing Diamonds from borax/flux/slag. Thread starter Fournines; Start date Apr 16, 2009; Help Support Gold Refining Forum: ... your description though it seems you may have a more complicated slag than just some flux from melting up a button of gold in a borax fluxed dish. Reply. Fournines Well-known ...

Filtration problems and small gold particles in solution

7. The gold was suspended in the solution like nanoparticles. 8. I let it settle, but some gold was still present in the solution. 9. I tried a pretreatment with nitric acid, and again the gelatinous precipitate appeared. 10. This time, I saw little …

Extracting gold using borax? Can someone explain?

We can see they are just practical and leave the refining stage to the gold buyers, after all gold buyers will just payed 80% to 90% spot price regardless of its a 99.9% Au button. :mrgreen: ... is seldom any new refining technique discovered that has any practical use and normally it's just a new twist to an old process. Borax will absorb some ...

Process to convert silver sulphide into metalic silver | Gold Refining

Add borax and melt it,once that it is liquid cover all the dish letting the metled borax to fluid. The dish seems like having some kind of glass film which protects it. Butcher,I am waitting for your process to manufacture some banned chemcial substance. Have a …