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How can I generate a sinusoidal voltage and current …

An H-bridge can produce thee (useful) output states, call them high, low, and zero. Some calculus will show that the most sinusoidal wave with those three states is very close to this----- - -- - ----- which is 14 periods with 5 high, 5 low, and 4 zero. Many inductive and capacitive loads, like a transformer, will make that waveform even more ...

Using sinusoids to represent sound waves

211k 48 48 gold badges 576 576 silver badges 2.3k 2.3k bronze badges. asked Sep 6, 2014 at 19:45. Lammey Lammey. ... A sound wave is a longitudinal wave, but a sinusoid is a transverse wave so the sinusoidal representation of a sound wave can create confusion. In the transverse representation, you can think of the horizontal axis as the ...

Leading/Lagging terminology for sinusoidal waves

Is there a method to identify which wave is leading and which wave is lagging from their equations? For example, if the two waves are $Asin(omega t+pi/6)$ and $Asin(omega t+2pi)=Asin(omeg...

How to split a Sine wave to two positive and negative parts …

I would like to split a sinusoidal wave to two different positive and negative parts so that sum of these two parts result the main sinusoidal wave. i think one way is that using two different branch by diodes to split the positive and negative parts. is there any different real circuit configuration for this purpose?

Why are AC quantities represented by sine waves always?

Usually we use a sinusoidal wave form to represent a alternating quantity. Why not a cosinusoidal wave or a ramp wave form? In sine wave forms we can indicate the maximum …

Print a sinusoidal wave (vertically)

Print a continuous sinusoidal wave scrolling vertically on a terminal. The program should not terminate and should continuously scroll down the wave (except until it is somehow interrupted). You may ... 13k 1 1 gold badge 37 37 silver badges 83 83 bronze badges. answered Jan 17, 2014 at 5:57. primo primo.


I'm copying my answer to Estimate and Track the Amplitude, Frequency and Phase of a Sine Signal Using a Kalman Filter which solves a more general problem with example code: We can build a non linear dynamic model …

The equation for linear combinations of sinusoidal waves

I was reading Introduction to Electrodynamics by D.J Griffith and in the chapter of Electromagnetic waves, it gives an equation for the representation of any wave in terms of sinusoidal waves. This is the one, $$tilde{f}(z,t)=int_{-infty}^inftytilde{A}(k)mat{e}^{i(kz-omega t)}mat{d}k.$$ One thing that I couldn't understand here is that this equation is not …

What is convolution of two sine waves (tones)?

The convolution of two windowed sinusoidal signals of different frequencies $f_1$ and $f_2$ can be viewed as the result of passing a windowed sinusoid at frequency $f_1$ through a …

Sine Wave

Explore math with our beautiful, free online graphing calculator. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.

Sinusoidal Stakes

Copper, Brass, Nickel Silver Metals & Master Alloys. Copper, Brass, Nickel Silver Sheet & Wire Copper, Brass, Nickel Silver Stampings & Rivets Master Alloys Gemstones Cabochons Cabochons. Genuine Cabochons ... Face …


Well, sinusoids per se are not that common in nature at all. Even a tiny bit of nonlinearity essentialy corrupts the pure sine behavior of the idealized oscillator (see the van der Pol and the Duffing oscillators for some popular weakly nonlinear extensions). Based on what you have already stated, maybe a bit better assertion would be that the sinusoids are very …


A stochastic cycle pattern can be thought of a distorted sine wave pattern in the forecast pattern: It is a sine wave with a stochastic (probabilistic) period, amplitude, and phase angle. To see if such a model could be fitted to the data I used the auto.arima() function from the forecast package to find out if it would suggest an AR(2) model.

Using sinusoids to represent sound waves

A sound wave is a longitudinal wave, but a sinusoid is a transverse wave so the sinusoidal representation of a sound wave can create confusion.

Perfect AC sinusoidal wave dimmer with PWM from micro …

Perfect AC sinusoidal wave dimmer with PWM from micro-controller. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. Modified 3 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 2k times ... 11k 6 6 gold badges 24 24 silver badges 48 48 bronze badges. asked Nov 19, 2020 at 10:25. Abhishek bhatia Abhishek bhatia.

Leading/Lagging terminology for sinusoidal waves

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For an RLC circuit with square wave input, why isn't the …

A square wave consists of the superposition of a sine wave and all it's odd harmonics. The RLC circuit acts like a filter, and attenuates different frequencies by different amounts. Thus, the square wave loses some the amplitudes of some of its components, and it becomes distorted. is it sinusoidal wave. No.

Combining Sinusoidal waves

5,279 2 2 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. asked Jan 6, 2021 at 8:36. SuperMage1 SuperMage1. 2,516 9 9 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges ... In general when you add two sinusoidal waves together, the result is not necessarily a sinusoid. In places where it is defined, ...

Apart from the sine wave, are there any other …

The tonic firing pattern of neurons shows distinctive spikes, as a consequence of the underlying physical and chemical process, a discharge on exceeding a treshold. On a more macroscopic level, consider the excitation …

Equation of a "tilted" sine

A sawtooth wave is given by $sumfrac1nsin nx$. So we might want something that interpolates between (1,0,0,...) at 0 and (1,1/2,1/3,...) at 1. Here's an obvious way to do it: take $sum frac{t^{n-1}}nsin nx$ where $t=0$ …

Sinusoidal waves 5.00 cm in amplitude are to be …

Sinusoidal waves 5.00 cm in amplitude are to be transmitted along a string having a linear mass density equal to 4.00 × 10 2 kg / m. If the source can deliver a maximum power of 90 W and the string is under a tension of 100 N, then the highest frequency at which the source can operate it, is . take .π2=10A. 62.3 HzB. 30 HzC. 45.3 HzD. 50 Hz

Why is electromagnetic wave (light) a sine wave?

4,239 1 1 gold badge 18 18 silver badges 30 30 bronze badges $endgroup$ 3 $begingroup$ Thanks. ... In one sense the most basic periodic processes are uniform rotations and a sinusoidal wave is just a projection of a uniformly rotating point onto an axis. This is very helpful because it turns out that the complex numbers are just scaled ...


It draws current in spikes at the tips of the waves. Since the impedance of the power line isn't zero, this non-sinusoidal current draw causes some non-sinusoidal voltage. Since non-sinusoidal voltage is undesirable, there are regulations about how much the current draw is allowed to vary from sinusoidal for high power loads.

Wide-Range Filter-Based Sinusoidal Wave Synthesizer for …

A filter-based wide-range programmable sinusoidal wave synthesizer for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurement is proposed. The adopted filter is implemented with switched-capacitor circuits, so its corner frequency is accurate and adjustable by changing its switching frequency. The proposed sine wave synthesizer is implemented by …

fourier analysis

1,770 4 4 gold badges 17 17 silver badges 28 28 bronze badges $endgroup$ 4 $begingroup$ Your integrand is periodic, hence the ... $begingroup$ Supposedly it is a cosine function. I've done it numerically and it is in fact a sinusoidal wave. $endgroup$ – DLV. Commented Nov 8, 2015 at 1:43 $begingroup$ A cosine function is a sinusoidal ...

A transverse sinusoidal wave moves along a string in the …

A transverse sinusoidal wave moves along a string in the positive x direction at a speed of 10 cm / s. The wavelength of the wave is 0.5 m and its amplitude is 10 cm. At a particular time t, the snapshot of the wave is shown in the figure. The velocity of a particle at P when its displacement is 5 cm along y axis isA. √3π/50ĵ m / sB. √3π/50î m / sC. √3π/50î m / sD. √3π/50ĵ m / s

What is a Sinusoidal Wave Signal – Definition and Importance

A sinusoidal wave signal is a type of periodic signal that oscillates (moves up and down), periodically. The geometrical waveform of a sinusoidal signal forms an S-shape wave in one complete cycle. A sinusoidal can be a sine functioned signal or cosine functioned signal. Thus, a sinusoidal signal can be defined as,

Sinusoidal Waves Explained Simply

A sinusoid is periodic, meaning it repeats at regular intervals. $$ y(t) = y(t + T) $$ For example, at times t 1 and t 1 + T, the sinusoidal wave takes the same value, y(t 1) = y(t 1 + T) = -A. …

Question: Questions 6-8 refer to the same problemA sinusoidal wave …

Questions 6-8 refer to the same problemA sinusoidal wave with wavelength 2 m and amplitude 5 mm is traveling along the x axis. The wave is traveling in the –x direction at a speed of 2m/s At t = 0s, the wave's phase at x = 3 m is φ.

What exactly are harmonics and how do they …

A sine wave will only have one harmonic - the fundamental (well, it already is sine, so it is made up of one sine). Square wave will have an infinite series of odd harmonics (that is, to make a square wave out of sines you need …