آخرین محصولات

Fly ash-based geopolymers: The relationship between composition…

Factors that have been reported to influence the extent of efflorescence in geopolymers include the reactivity of raw materials [14], alkali metal type [15], [16] and reaction conditions [16].Fly ashes collected from different power stations vary substantially in their chemistry and physical nature [7], [17], [18], and the slow reaction of some fly ash sources …

(PDF) Hybridizing Grid Search and Support Vector

Tang et al. [23] introduced a hybrid machine learning model that combined Support Vector Regression (SVR) with Grid Search (GS) to accurately predict the CS of fly ash concrete. Through ...

Ash Utilization

Simulation of ash–water interaction and its influence on ash characteristics. D.N Singh, P.K Kolay, in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2002. At present only 5–10% of the ash disposed is being used for various purposes viz. as a stabilizer of sub-grade [2,3] and sub-bases in pavement construction [4,5], as a filler material for mines [6–11], as a constituent of cement …

The effects of hardening accelerator on microstructure and …

Due to its cementitious properties, fly ash can improve the workability of fresh concrete while reducing water demand and shrinkage [[12], [13], [14], [15]]. Therefore, fly ash …

Comparison of environmental impacts of fly ash and slag as …

Fly ash and slag are among the most used wastes as supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) for partially replacing cement in concrete. Globally, these by-products are generated at a substantial scale, with fly ash production ranging from 900 to 1000 million tonnes and slag production from 140 to 330 million tonnes annually [15, 48].Herath et al. [22] reported …

Relationship between water absorption and fly ash content.

Download scientific diagram | Relationship between water absorption and fly ash content. from publication: Influence of Biofuel Combustion Fly Ash on the Properties of Concrete | Cement as the ...

Compressive strength prediction of fly ash and blast furnace …

To address these issues, this paper proposes a systematic approach for selecting mix proportions in geopolymer concrete, which uses fly ash and GGBS as alternatives to …

[Solved] With reference to 'fly ash' produced by the power pl

The correct answer is 1 and 2.. Fly ash is the finely divided residue that results from the combustion of pulverised coal and is transported from the combustion chamber by exhaust gases.; Fly ash is produced by coal-fired electric and steam generating plants. Fly ash is used annually in a variety of engineering applications that includes: portland cement concrete …


Fly ashes with different fineness: classified fly ash, run-of-station fly ash and grounded run-of-station fly ash; with a median particle size of 17.4, 11.3 and 5.7 μm, respectively, from the ...

The Relationship of Compressive Strength and Chemically Bound Water

Fly ash (FA) has been widely used in cement-based materials, but limited work has been conducted to establish the relationship between the compressive strength and hydration process of high-volume FA (HVFA)-cement-based material. In this study, the compressive strength and chemically bound water contents of FA-cement-based materials …

Experimental study on the flexural fatigue performance of slag/fly ash …

The fly ash is classified as Class F since its calcium oxide (CaO) content was 2.21% (<10%). The slag used in this study was classified as S105. The particle size distribution of slag and fly ash is presented in Fig. 1. River sand was chosen as the fine aggregate, with a maximum particle size of 4.7 mm and a fineness modulus of 2.91.

Enhancement fracture behavior of sustainable cementitious …

The few studies to date have assessed, among other things: the relationship between the water-binder ratio (w/s) and the fracture toughness of such materials, and the optimal NS percentage range from the point of view of …

The relationship between the weight percentage of fly ash …

Bottom Ash (BA) is one of the main industri... ... the trend increased drastically back to 8.228% at 30 wt% before it decreased slightly when the weight percentage of fly ash at 40 wt% which...

Efflorescence of fly ash-based geopolymer mortars under …

As one of the common geopolymer materials, fly ash-based geopolymers also suffer from this critical issue [9], [13], [14], [15], which limits their comprehensive utilization for achieving carbon neutralization.In this context, recent researchers have concentrated on mitigating efflorescence to improve durability and lower the negative environmental impacts of …

The relationship between the adsorption amount …

The present study discusses the performance of high-volume fly ash concrete (HVFAC) mixes containing slag sand which is a solid waste obtained from basic oxygen steel making industry.

Machine Learning Method to Explore the …

Chloride ion corrosion has been considered to be one of the main reasons for durability deterioration of reinforced concrete structures in marine or chlorine-containing deicing salt environments. This paper studies the …


Test results indicated that replacement of sand with fly ash enhanced the 28-day compressive strength by 25–41%, splitting tensile strength by 12–21%, flexural strength by 14–17%, and ...

Investigation into the relationship between major and …

A basic investigation of boron in discharged fly ash by coal fuel thermal power plants in several worldwide locations was carried out. Eight kinds of fly ash sample were prepared from eight coal fuel thermal power plants. Two of the fly ash samples were used to examine the relationship between the c …

Effect of curing temperature on hydration, microstructure and …

Reaction degree of fly ash in blended cement pastes with w/b = 0.50 and various fly ash contents at 20 ° C as a function of curing age in this study.

Modeling of the Unburned Carbon in Fly Ash

Numerical simulation of the content of unburned carbon in fly ash on the 300MW tangentially pulverized coal fired boiler is performed by the numerical simulation software COALFIRE, which is based on international advanced TASCFLOW software platform. Firstly, take the result of calculation of number value as the sample, and then set up the support vector …

Chapter 42 Flashcards

a. water at elevated temperatures b. waste water from flue gas scrubbing c. waste water from water treatment processes d. waste water from ash handling operations (answer is a,b,c,d) An advantage of a wet scrubber ovevr the bad filters is that they:

Evaluating the effect of high fly ash content and low curing

For instance, Narmluk et al. [38] studied the effect of fly ash on the hydration kinetics of cement in low water to binder (w/b) fly ash-cement at different curing temperatures (20, 35, 50 °C), without the effect of low curing temperature ... To study the relationship between fitting parameters a, b and curing temperature and FA content, ...

Predicting the chloride penetration of fly ash concrete in …

The concrete mixtures were composed of ordinary Portland cement type I (ASTM C 150), class F fly ash (ASTM C 618) from Thailand (SiO 2 + Al 2 O 3 + Fe 2 O 3 = 79.45%) with a 30-μm median particle size, graded sand, and crushed limestone with a maximum size of 19 mm. The chemical properties of fly ash and Portland cement type I are presented in Table 1.

Impact of particle size of fly ash on the early compressive …

Generally, finer fly ash generates more hydration heat compared with the coarser fly ash. This is mainly attribute to the enhanced pozzolanic reaction and physical filling effect of fine fly ash particles [47], [50]. However, it is not that the finer the fly ash, the higher of heat.

Fly Ash Current and Future Supply

fly ash has increased 29 percent from 40.4 million short tons to 53.4 million short tons in 2013, growing at an average annual rate of just under one percent." This is illustrated below in . Figure 1. The utilization of fly ash in the US over the same period has increased on an annual average of

Investigation of the relationship between particulate …

Abstract. The properties of fly ash in coal-fired boilers influence the emission of mercury from power plants into the environment. In this study, seven different bituminous coals were burned in a full-scale 100 MWe pulverized coal combustion boiler and the derived fly ash samples were collected from a mechanical hopper (MH) and an electrostatic precipitator …

A review on the effect of fly ash on the geotechnical …

Fly ash acquired from power stations causes removal challenges and environmental concerns. Disposal concerns can be solved by employing these waste materials as a raw source to improve soil stability.

Modeling of the Unburned Carbon in Fly Ash

In some unique cases, unburned carbon content greater than 20% have been observed [75]. There are many factors which may affect the quantity of unburned carbon present in fly ash including nature ...

Assessment of suitability of Fly Ash and Rice Husk Ash …

Abstract- The proposed study involves the experimental investigation of effect of fly ash and rice husk ash on the properties of burnt clay bricks. Determination of properties of the bricks …

The Relationship between Unburned Carbon Levels in Coal Combustion Ash

In this study, considering a specific coal fired power plant, fly ash samples were analyzed in terms of unburned carbon (UBC) and amount of UBC in these samples were compared to coal volatile ...