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Analysis of Implosion Protection Effect of Ceramic and …

Abstract. As an important part of deep-sea submersibles, once a catastrophic implosion occurs, the pressure-resistant structure will pose a huge threat to the vitality of deep-sea equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct relevant research on implosion protection. In this work, we selected ceramic and titanium alloy hollow spheres as deep-sea flotation …

graphite floatation in ductile irons

Graphite Degeneration in Ductile Iron - Metalurgia. 2. exploded graphite if Mg > 0,07 % combined with a high Ceq and the presence of (fairly high) Ce- content This graphite is mostly combined with graphite flotation (graphite can be completely nodular with graphite flotation at Mg

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In situ synchrotron investigation of degenerate graphite …

Ductile cast irons (DCIs) are of increasing importance in the renewable energy and transportation sectors. The distribution and morphology of the graphite nodules, in particular …

Graphite Formation and Dissolution in Ductile …

In spheroidal graphite cast irons, the carbon redistribution between spheroids and the austenite creates no completely empty holes. Instead, the …

High Si-Mo ductile iron: views from users and producers.

The C content is lower than ferritic ductile iron because the high Si content maintains the iron hypoeutectic-eutectic composition and prevents graphite flotation. Si is in the range of 3.75-4.25% enabling good oxidation resistance at temperatures above 1200F (649c).

In situ synchrotron investigation of degenerate graphite nodule

The temporal evolution of the Carbon concentration is dictated by diffusion, where the diffusivity coefficient depends on the Carbon concentration. Fig. 8 shows the model evolution at two points in time, Fig 8 (a, b), and a representative example of the field around a nodule from the third experimental cycle, Fig 8 (d - f).

Reasons For Graphite Floating Phenomenon in Ductile Iron …

The higher the carbon equivalent, the more serious the graphite flotation phenomenon. It should be pointed out that too high carbon equivalent is the main reason for graphite flotation, but it is not the only reason. Casting size and wall thickness are also important factors affecting graphite flotation.

Graphite flotation in ductile iron castings: definition and …

What is Carbon Float? Carbon float is defined as carbon segregation at the top surfaces of ductile iron castings caused by the buoyancy of graphite particles in liquid iron. …

Solidification mode and feeding ductile castings

find some triple arrest iron in his early TA investigations of high C.E. ductile iron in the late 60's and early 70's but did not identify the cause of the third arrest. The old foundrymen have also …

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Ductile Iron Revisited a conversation

Ductile Iron Revisited ... Hypo-eutectic mode iron (below a 4.3 C.E.) is used for heavy section castings to prevent carbon flotation. This is not the kind of carbon flotation called kish, but rather the kind of flotation deep inside of the casting, when graphite forms in the remaining liquid and starts to rise up, leaving carbon-starved ...

7 Ways to avoid shrinkage defects: examine your metallurgy, tooling …

One of the first steps in avoiding shrinkage problems in ductile iron melting is to select a suitable carbon equivalent (CE) that avoids the flotation of graphite nodules leading to shrinkage. The chart in Figure 1 advises the total carbon plus …

Thermal Analysis and Process Control for Compacted …

The Carbon Equivalent also indicates the risk for graphite flotation and for exploded graphite in ductile iron. The Carbon Equivalent result determined by thermal analysis is different from the CE value derived from chemical analysis (usually defined as C + ⅓Si) and from the definition of the eutectic CE value shown in the ...

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You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

Microstructure Characterization of Ductile Thin Wall …

(Evans 1981), manganese and carbon higher than 4.65% induce carbon flotation; • low nodule count (poor inoculation) and poor nodularity increases the amount of carbides (Evans 198 1, Stefanescu ...

Technical Papers

Ductile Iron Society; Evaluating Alternative Charge Materials for Melting:Chemistry & Cost. Ductile Iron Society; How to Minimize Rare Earth Usage in Ductile Iron. ... Carbon Flotation. Kish Graphite Spots, open grain. Kish Graphite inclusion. Facetted (dendritic) Fracture. 10 rules for good casting

Quality Improvement of Ductile Iron Casting by Thermal …

A) Carbon Equivalent Graphite flotation may occur in all hypereutectic irons (CE > 4, 33), but is mostly present in ductile iron with a carbon equivalent (CE) that exceeds 4, 5%. The nodule size will mostly be large and they can float up quickly. Carbon equivalent is defined by the expression: CE = %C + (%Si/3) + (%P/3)

Purification of titanium by washing and froth flotation

the material is next dispersed in about 20 times its volume of pure water and heated to the boiling point for 30 to 60 minutes with vigorous agitation. Free carbon floats to the surface and may be skimmed off. This vigorous washing step removes occluded salts, such as chloride, from the deposit, and also converts any calcium metal or calcium carbide which may be present to …

The Hypereutectic Region of the Iron-Carbon …

Traditionally the various types of hypereutectic cast iron will be subdivided into: gray cast iron, ductile iron and white cast iron. Hypereutectic gray iron. ... Views on the influence of composition on carbon flotation differ greatly. Flotation …

Offsetting shrinkage in Ductile Iron ver 2

Carbon flotation is seen as a fourth form of solidification that is both hypereutectic and hypoeutectic. Shrinkage is seen as a lack of late graphite growth needed to offset the natural …


The chart below gives typical percentages of some of the other elements found in gray and ductile iron. ... (thick castings) can lead to a condition called carbon flotation. Graphite typically forms first during solidification and is lighter than iron. If the solidification of the entire casting is slow enough, the graphite floats toward the ...

Cast iron program focuses on research.

Upon reaching a critical size, the graphite spheroids may float in the molten iron and produce a flotation layer in the upper regions of a ductile iron casting. The carbon percentage in the iron and the saturation level expressed as carbon equivalent are major contributors to the potential for flotation to occur, Heine explained.

Influence of strain rate on ductile versus brittle fracture for ductile …

morphology between the parts except for a slight tendency for carbon flotation in sample . 2_M3. ... High Si ductile cast iron EN-GJS-500-14 and the conventional ductile cast irons JIS-FCD500 and ...

A Review of Common Metallurgical Defects in Ductile …

ductile iron, experience globally has shown that about 50% of shrinkage defects are related to sand systems, feeding and gating. The other 50% may be attributed to metallurgical factors such as carbon equivalent, temperature, inoculation or high magnesium residuals.

Quality Improvement of Ductile Iron Casting by Thermal …

Graphite flotation may occur in all hypereutectic irons (CE > 4, 33), but is mostly present in ductile iron with a carbon equivalent (CE) that exceeds 4, 5%. The nodule size will mostly be large …

(PDF) Precipitation and evolution of nodular graphite during

Key words: ductile iron; carbon equivalent; graphite nodules; solidi cation; thermal analysis; liquid quenching CLC numbers: TG143.5 Document code: A Article ID: 1672-6421(2020)04-260-12

Offsetting shrinkage in Ductile Iron ver 2

Carbon flotation is seen as a fourth form of solidification that is both hypereutectic and hypoeutectic. ... Ductile Iron consists of primarily two materials: a steel matrix surrounding

Effects of Carbon Equivalent on the Microstructures of …

In making thin wall ductile iron problems occur due to the failure of molten metal treatments and the formation of carbides. Researchers believe that the carbon equivalent plays an important role.

3. Common Metallurgical Defects in DI

This inoculant will give high nodule counts in ductile iron which is normally difficult to inoculate and will help to prevent micro-shrinkage. Chunky Graphite Potential Causes: – Excess rare earth additions, particularly when high purity charges are used. Normally found in thick section castings or at higher carbon equivalents.