آخرین محصولات

Ferronickel enrichment by fine particle reduction and …

Ferronickel enrichment and extraction from nickel laterite ore were studied through reduction and magnetic separation. Reduction experiments were performed using hydrogen and carbon monoxide as reductants at different temperatures (700–1000°C). Magnetic separation of the reduced products was conducted using a SLon-100 cycle pulsating magnetic separator …

Hydrometallurgical process for the separation and recovery of nickel …

1.. IntroductionAbout 60% of the current worldwide production of nickel is derived from sulphide ores and the rest comes from nickel laterites (Sudol, 2005).However, about 70% of the nickel reserves are present in laterite deposits (Dalvi et al., 2004).As a result, there is growing interest in improving the technology for extraction of nickel (and cobalt) from laterites, as the …

[PDF] The Separation of Copper and Nickel from Ni-Cu Mixed Ore …

Leaching solution of Ni-Cu mixed ore was studied using electrochemical methods to separate the two ions. This was observed through investigating the electrochemical behavior of copper and nickel ions separately in acidic mediums of copper sulfate and nickel sulfate solutions. To selectively deposit copper from Ni-Cu leaching solution, potentiostatic deposition …

Magnetic separation for recovering iron resources from acid …

1. Introduction. The acid-leaching tailings of laterite nickel ore are a hazardous waste generated by the laterite nickel ore industry [1], [2], [3].As global demand for nickel continues to rise and nickel sulfide resources decrease, the extraction of nickel resources from laterite nickel ores the main development trend of the global nickel industry in the coming …

Separation of nickel and iron from lateritic ore using a …

T1 - Separation of nickel and iron from lateritic ore using a digestion - roasting - leaching - precipitation process. AU - Basturkcu, Huseyin. AU - Acarkan, Neset. PY - 2016. Y1 - 2016. N2 - This paper investigates extraction of nickel and iron from a lateritic nickel ore from the Caldag region of Manisa in Turkey.

Separation and recovery of iron and nickel from low-grade …

An effective strategy to achieve separation and recovery of iron and nickel from low-grade laterite ore via microwave carbothermic reduction roasting is reported. In this work, we …

Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt from a Low Grade Laterite Ore

This study focused on the development of hydrometallurgical process which allows the nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co) recovery from a low grade laterite ore. The developed process consists of two main stages: leaching and precipitation. In the first stage, an appropriate leach liquor which contains a relatively high nickel and cobalt concentration is prepared by chemical leaching …

Recovery of nickel from strongly acidic bio-ore leachate …

Nickel can be separated from a strong acid solution by a chelate resin. • Nickel separation was tested by column experiments and modeling. • A reaction scheme and equilibrium constants model the functioning of Dowex M4195 resin. • NiSO 4 purities of two plant ash leachates were upgraded to 97% and 99%. •

Separation of copper from nickel in sulfate solutions by

The obtained solutions as well as waste solutions from electrolytic nickel refining process require an efficient separation of copper from nickel, which remains as a challenging task [8], due to the property similarity of these two elements. ... (a zinc-containing ore waste) as an alternative precipitant to CaCO 3 in the separation process was ...

Synergistic coordination-regulated separation of nickel and …

After precipitation separation of nickel, 5 mL of 0.55 mol/L H 2 C 2 O 4 was added to the cobalt-rich solution, and the cobalt precipitation was then monitored for 24 h at 400 r/min and 25 °C. After nickel and cobalt separation, the solution was withdrawn for analysis using the UV absorption spectrum, as shown in Fig. S1. The precipitation ...


Separation of nickel and iron from lateritic ore using digestion-roasting-leaching-precipitation 569 As result, significant amounts of nickel, cobalt and iron were transformed to metal sulfate forms, which can be leached in water easily. However, it is known that the iron content of the final nickel product must be as low as possible.

Extraction of Nickel from Garnierite Laterite Ore …

In this study, segregation roasting and magnetic separation are used to extract nickel from a garnierite laterite ore. The garnierite laterite ore containing 0.72% Ni, 0.029% Co, 8.65% Fe, 29.66% MgO, and 37.86% SiO2 …

Enhanced methods for nickel recovery from low …

Concentrating the nickel ores usually takes place close to the mine site and involves chemical and physical processes to crush the ore and separate the nickel-bearing and gangue minerals by flotation in the case of sulfidic …

Direct Extraction of Nickel and Copper from Low-Grade Nickel …

A new extraction technology of chlorination roasting with a mixture of MgCl2·6H2O and NaCl was investigated to co-extract nickel and copper from low-grade nickel ores. The effects of some key factors on the extraction of nickel, copper, and iron were studied, and the results show that,when the roasting temperature is 850°C, the roasting time is 1.5 h, the mass …

Extraction of ferronickel concentrate from laterite nickel ore …

DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2023.108194 Corpus ID: 259620999; Extraction of ferronickel concentrate from laterite nickel ore by reduction roasting-magnetic separation using spent cathode carbon

A New Process for Cobalt Nickel Separation

A New Process for Co-Ni Separation – ALTA 2010 1 A New Process for Cobalt – Nickel Separation By D.L. Jones 1, T.M. McCoy, K.E. Mayhew1, C.Y. Cheng 2, K.R. Barnard, W. Zhang2 Presented by David Jones david.jones@teckcominco ALTA 2010 Perth, WA, Australia May 25, 2010 1 CESL Limited, Richmond, BC, Canada

Separation of Co and Ni from a chloride leach solutions of laterite ore

The chloride leach liquor of laterite ore contained large amounts of ferrous iron (90 g/L) together with cobalt, nickel, magnesium, manganese, calcium and aluminum.First, Fe(II) was oxidized to Fe(III) by using chlorine gas as an oxidizing agent and then Fe(III) was completely removed from the leach liquor by solvent extraction with the mixture of D2EHPA and TBP.

froM nickel ore to ni nanoParticles in the extraction …

ores with low nickel grades become gradually the main nickel production resource [4–7]. Nickel in laterite ores mainly occurs in clay minerals (serpentine, smectites, verm.

(PDF) The Separation of Copper and Nickel from Ni-Cu Mixed Ore …

The Separation of Copper and Nickel from Ni-Cu Mixed Ore Simulated Leaching Solution Using Electrochemical Methods ... which provides the future research with theoretical and practical references for the separation of copper and nickel mixed ore leaching solution. The main conclusions of the study are as follow: 1038 Eurasian J Anal Chem 1. In ...

Separation of cobalt and nickel from chloride leach solution of nickel

Separation of cobalt and nickel from chloride leach solution of nickel laterite ore by solvent extraction. ... Extraction of the filtrate with saponified Versatic 10 after precipitation of Al resulted in the separation of Ni and Mn from Ca and Mg. Ni was then selectively stripped by H 2 SO 4 solution. The nickel solution with 99% purity was ...

Recovery of high-quality iron phosphate from acid-leaching …

Laterite nickel ore is rich in nickel and iron resources, and the nickel element is extracted in the form of nickel salt. However, the acid-leaching tailings of laterite nickel ore (LTLNO), which contain valuable iron resources, have not been cost-effectively recovered. ... followed by magnetic separation, achieving 85 % Fe recovery from LTLNO ...

Extraction of Nickel from Magnesia–Nickel Silicate Ore

Abstract In this study, magnesia–nickel silicate ore was investigated, which contained 0.83% Ni and antigorite, chlorite, magnetite (Fe3O4), quartz, and mica as the main minerals. Chloride roasting and magnetic separation were used to treat the ore. The addition of red mud enhanced the transformation of nickel silicate to a strongly magnetic mineral mainly …

Preparation of Nickel–Iron Concentrate from Low-Grade Laterite Nickel

In this paper, the process of solid-state metalized reduction and magnetic separation was investigated for preparation of nickel–iron concentrate from a low-grade laterite nickel ore. The effects of reduction temperature, reduction time, amount of dosages, and magnetic field strength on grades and recoveries of nickel and iron were studied. The results …

Leaching and ion exchange based recovery of nickel and …

The refinery at Fort Saskatchewan was one of the first to utilise ammonia as a leaching reagent (Cooper and Mihaylov, 1997).The ammoniacal process involves pressure leaching of the nickel concentrate and matte with ammonia and oxygen in a series of autoclaves operating at 105–120 °C (Crundwell et al., 2011).This process aims to maximise the efficiency …

Selective Recovery of Scandium from Nickel Laterite Ore by …

Extraction of Metals from Nickel Concentrate by Low-Temperature NH 4 HSO 4 Roasting-Water Leaching and Efficient Separation of Iron and Copper ... A nickel laterite ore (LO) from New Caledonia was used as the process feedstock. 95.0–98.0 wt% H 2 SO 4 (ACS Reagent grade), ...

Selective nickel-iron separation from atmospheric leach …

The presence of iron in pregnant leach solutions (PLS) is a common problem, and is generally removed using jarosite, goethite, hematite or para-goethite precipitation methods. Although these methods are successfully applied, significant amounts of nickel can be lost. In this study, iron precipitation was performed on a PLS obtained from agitation leaching of a …

How can I seperate copper from nickel? | ResearchGate

At the beginning, you need to prepare an ore composed of copper and nickel. Then, find some equipment to crush and grind the ore, and separate out the worthless material by the method of flotation ...

Bidentate pyridine-pyrazole ligand-induced synergistic and …

Therefore, compared to the commercial phosphonic acid extractants, this SSX system is suitable for the direct separation of Ni from the acidic leachate, which will be helpful for the short-process recovery of nickel from complex resources containing Mg, Al, Ca, and Mn, such as laterite ore [38], spent lithium ion battery [39], and spent nickel ...

Extraction of ferronickel concentrate from laterite nickel ore …

Nevertheless, when reduction roasting–magnetic separation is used to treat laterite nickel ore with low nickel content, increasing the dosage by approximately 8–20% inevitably reduces equipment life and increases cost (Liu et al.,2021). Therefore, improving the grades and recoveries of iron and nickel is of major significance.

Preparation of Nickel–Iron Concentrate from Low-Grade …

In this paper, a solid-state metalized reduction and magnetic separation process was proposed to enrich Ni and Fe from a low-grade laterite nickel ore with Ni 0.98% and Fe …