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Uranium mill tailings as backfill in underground uranium …

The results of the study indicate that classified uranium mill tailings can be utilized as an effective backfill material without excessive control measures for radon and radon daughter …


CAVITIES WITH GOLD MINE TAILINGS WRC Report No 1122/1/07 ISBN 978-1-77005-566-7 MAY 2007 . ii ... the backfill. Probable maximum uranium concentrations in the leachate are in the order of 300 mg/ℓ but more likely concentrations, based …

Ensemble learning evaluation of mechanical property for mining …

Utilization of limestone powder and water-reducing admixture in cemented paste backfill of coarse copper mine tailings. Constr. Build. Mater., 124 (2016), pp. 31-36, 10.1016/j.conbuildmat ... Preparation and mechanical properties of cemented uranium tailing backfill based on alkali-activated slag. Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng., 2020 (2020), pp. 1-7, 10 ...

Lack of consultation sparks worry over niobium tailings …

The plan to dump naturally occurring radioactive material, along with backfill and tailings, near Nairn Centre ran into some roadblocks Sept. 12 at a town hall meeting in that community. ... The connection is this was the site of the Agnew Lake uranium mine that operated in the 1960s and 1970s before it was closed. The property and the uranium ...

A comprehensive review of radioactive pollution treatment …

The great majority of uranium mines around the world are mined underground using backfill mining methods. Uranium deposits are typically characterized by complicated …

Lack of consultation sparks worry over niobium tailings …

NAIRN CENTRE - The plan to dump naturally occurring radioactive material, along with backfill and tailings, near Nairn Centre ran into some roadblocks Sept. 12 at a town hall meeting in that community. ... The connection is this was the site of the Agnew Lake uranium mine that operated in the 1960s and 1970s before it was closed. The property ...

40 years after its closure, the Jackpile Mine's toxic legacy …

The focus: remove risks from mine waste piles that contained traces of uranium by filling pits in the mine higher than the water table to prevent ponds from forming in them, contour waste piles to ...

Uranium mine remediation in Australia's Northern …

Ranger Uranium Mine •Discovered by airborne survey 1969 •Two public inquiries 1977 & 1978 •Began operations 1980 •Open pit mining from 2 pits ... Backfill in progress Pit 3 Tailings deposition Current remediation - Ranger. Ranger - Tailings Dredge on Tailings dam - current Underfill going into Pit 3, 2014

Effect of Natural Zeolite on Pore Structure of Cemented Uranium …

Abstract The use of some environmental functional minerals as backfill-modified materials may improve the leaching resistance of cemented uranium tailings backfill created from alkali-activated slag (CUTB), but these materials may participate in the hydration reaction of the cementitious materials, which could have a certain impact on the pore structure of the CUTB, …

Uranium mill tailings backfill management. Final report

Backfilling, the disposal of spent uranium mill tailings in empty mine stopes, has been practiced in the Grants Mineral Belt of New Mexico for nearly 20 years. The principal objective of …

Radon emanation from backfilled mill tailings in underground uranium mine.

Assessment of (222)Rn emanation from ore body and backfill tailings in low-grade underground uranium mine. D P Mishra, Patitapaban Sahu. download Download free PDF View PDF chevron_right. ... Keywords: Underground uranium mine Backfilled mill tailings 226 Ra activity concentration Emanation factor 222 Rn emanation rate Moisture content 1 ...

Radon emanation from backfilled mill tailings in underground uranium mine

Coarser mill tailings used as backfill to stabilize the stoped out areas in underground uranium mines is a potential source of radon contamination. This paper presents the quantitative assessment of radon emanation from the backfilled tailings in Jaduguda mine, India using a cylindrical accumulator. …

A study of the mechanical properties, environmental effect, …

Heap leaching uranium tailings (HLUTs) contain radionuclides and sulfuric acid, presenting some challenges for the disposal of cemented HLUTs backfill (CUTB), including low stability and potential environmental contamination.In light of these issues, using a blend of cement clinker (CL) and high content phosphorus slag (PS) as binders to replace traditional …

Uranium mill tailings as backfill in underground uranium mines

(DOI: 10.1016/S0167-9031(83)90142-1) This article is published in Engineering Geology. The article was published on 01 Oct 1983. The article focuses on the topics: Tailings & Uranium.

Assessment of (222)Rn emanation from ore body and backfill tailings …

In the present study, we investigated the in situ radon emanation rate from ore body and backfill tailings in a uranium mine using comparatively simple, quick and cheaper techniques giving low uncertainties in the results. The influence of several parameters such as 226Ra content, porosity, density, moisture content and surface area on radon ...

Mill tailings based composites as paste backfill in mines of …

This paper elaborates on the development of paste backfill using mill tailings generated during the processing of a uranium ore deposit hosted in dolomitic limestone.

OneMine | Pneumatic Backfill In Underground Uranium Mines

The need to backfill in uranium mines is primarily of importance to improve ventilation, stabilize the pillars and roof, and possibly to extract a larger percentage of the uranium ore. If this can …

Feasibility of uranium tailings for cemented backfill and its

Surface storage of uranium tailings presents a potential threat to the environment and human health. Cemented backfill can be used to dispose of tailings and control the …

Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Cemented Uranium …

Uranium tailings are taken from a uranium tailings reservoir in China, with water content of 10.91%, density of 2.55 t/m 3, and volume density of 1.375 t/m 3.The main chemical composition of experimental materials is shown in Table 1 (by XRF of PANalytical Axios), and the pH of uranium tailings was 5.29 by referring to "Soil quality-determination of pH" [].

Radon emanation from backfilled mill tailings in underground uranium mine

In mine atmosphere, the concentration of radon gas (222 Rn, t 1/2 = 3.82 d) which is the immediate decay product of 226 Ra, largely depends on activity concentration of 226 Ra and 222 Rn emanation rate from the tailings used as backfill material (Raghavayya and Khan, 1973).The main source of internal dose for miners and members of public is due to exposure …

Uranium mill tailings backfill management. Final report

Backfilling, the disposal of spent uranium mill tailings in empty mine stopes, has been practiced in the Grants Mineral Belt of New Mexico for nearly 20 years. The principal objective of backfilling is the prevention of roof collapse and hydraulic connection with overlying aquifers, increasing mine dewatering requirements.

Geochemical constraints on underground disposal of uranium mill tailings

Final report submitted to U.S. Bureau of Mines, Spokane, WA. THOMSON B. M. and HEGGEN R. J. (1983) Water quality and hydrologic impacts of disposal of uranium mill tailings by backfilling. In Management of Wastes From Uranium Mining and Milling, pp. 373-384. Inter. Atomic Energy Agency, IAE-SM-262/51, Vienna. THOMSON B. M..

Effect of Natural Zeolite on Pore Structure of Cemented Uranium …

The use of some environmental functional minerals as backfill-modified materials may improve the leaching resistance of cemented uranium tailings backfill created from alkali-activated slag (CUTB), but these materials may participate in the hydration reaction of the cementitious materials, which could have a certain impact on the pore structure of the CUTB, thus affecting …

Uranium mill tailings as backfill in underground uranium mines

Uranium mill tailings as backfill in underground uranium mines Other title Les stériles d'uranium utilisés comme remblai dans les mines souterraines d'uranium (fr) Author CLAUSEN, G; ARCHIBALD, J. F Queen's univ., dep. mining eng Source. Mining science & technology. 1983, Vol 1, Num 1, pp 69-75 ; ref : 10 ref ...

(PDF) Underground Mining with Backfills

arious forms of backfill: (a) surface placement of hydraulic fill in a tailings dam; (b) discharge of paste fill from a reticulation pipe underground.

Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Cemented …

Therefore, relevant experts put forward a method of backfilling disposal of uranium tailings based on cement solidification, which can effectively avoid the environmental and …

Niobium will patch up old uranium tailings site trucked …

Niobium will patch up old uranium tailings site trucked from North Bay Niobium is so low-level as a radiation concern it is not on the radar for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Cemented paste backfill for mineral tailings management: …

This paper provides a brief review on the status of mine backfill technology, especially CPB, for the management of mine tailings. The role of CPB is discussed, as well …

Utilization of mill tailings, fly ash and slag as mine paste …

Iron ore tailings, silica tailings, sulphide–rich mill tailings, nickel, gold–silver, copper–gold, tungsten mine tailings, red mud, tantalum–niobium ore tailings, uranium and …

Enabling sustainability in mining case study: mine backfill

Abstract: Mine tailings are the byproduct of the extraction process and they represent a byproduct whose storage is expensive and, in many cases, a reason of environmental concern. As a result, tailings storage must be planned and carefully executed, monitoring changes even after the mine closure. The rising need in resources worldwide is being accompanied by a …