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Petersville Recreational Mining Area

Peters Creek: State of Alaska Recreational gold panning, mineral prospecting, or mining using light portable field equipment are allowed without any permit. Also, you can obtain a permit from the DNR to use a small suction dredge. Primitive camping is available in the area. Map and information on Peters Creek Recreational Mining Area.

Nome Gold Beaches

Here is some info from the DNR website: State land begins at the mean high tide level. Since the average tide at Nome is 1.04 feet, this means that in order to be on state land the miner must effectively be in the water. All of the uplands at Nome are privately owned. Therefore, other recreational mining apparatus such as rocker box or high ...

Heading to Alaska...

Dave, I am going to be in Alaska from end of May till middle of October. I have a 6 inch dredge and all permits in place. 2 of my buddies will be in and around Fairbanks till July 17th. If you are willing to beat some brush there is over 50 miles that can be claimed where I am going. If interested message me.

What happened to the Alaska Expedition?!?!?!?

Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608. 01 Oct 2017 10:21 PM. The Alaska Expedition is Not part of the GPAA organization. Tom and Cindy Massie retained ownership when they sold the GPAA to Brandon. I also heard they were shut down this year at least for much needed maintenance. I have heard that they will not be booking through GPAA if they start up again.

About GPAA Chapters

Hard work is better with help. Together with fellow prospectors, you can move more dirt, and recover more of the yellow stuff. Oh yeah, and it's way more fun, too! ALABAMA. CRAGFORD, AL. Matthew Preuninger • 256-525-7385. northalabama.gpaachapter@gmail. Cragford, AL Facebook. ALASKA.

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Gold Prospectors Magazine. Get the latest scoop on the Gold Prospecting Community. When you subscribe or become a member, you get access to the online version of the publication...

Alaska Gold Mining Claims for $200 an acre

For sale at less than 40k per 160 acre claim - $400,000.00 for 12-160 acre claims -- making the price only $200 per acre. After recovering 5g on an acre -- yes five grams -- you could pay your mining costs and the cost for the acre. The photos show an area on the trail to the claims (4 miles from paved highway), the Porcupine Creek and gold in ...

Gold Prospectors Association of America > test page > …

On any land in Alaska, a suction dredge with a nozzle diameter greater than six inches or a motor with more than sixteen horsepower or which processes more than 220 cubic yards/day requires a tri-agency permit which can be obtained from the Alaska Division of Mining.

Keeping the Mining Legacy Alive

After winning a trip to Massie's Cripple River Mining Camp near Nome, Alaska at a GPAA Gold & Treasure Show in Denver a couple of years ago, Fleming met some members of the Massie family and invited Tom and his daughter, Kia, to visit the Colorado mine. "When I say something, I try to keep my word," Fleming said.

The Great AK-Scape

By Sam Servetter. For anyone with an extraordinary memory or an organized stack of Gold Prospectors Magazine you would know my journey with prospecting began in a very unexpected way. For reference, "Cast for Salmon Caught Gold Fever" on page 45 of the July/August issue in 2017 goes over my first experience with prospecting and rural Alaska.