آخرین محصولات

Selective recovery of antimony from Sb-bearing copper …
The challenges arising from the presence of Sb, Bi and As in copper metallurgy have been widely reviewed (Awe and Sandström, 2013; Thanu and Jayakumar, 2020; Torres et al., 2022).The adverse effects of these impurities on the quality of copper metal underscore the need for special attention to limit their presence at low levels in the final cathode.

Antimony in the metallurgical industry: A review of its …
Like most other minerals, the processing of antimony can be reduced into three sub-industries; mineral processing, pyrometallurgy, and hydrometallurgy. Alkaline sulfide …

Synergistic promotion of antimony transformation in the …
In mines, Sb-bearing minerals are frequently associated with other sulfide minerals such as pyrite, and this association promotes the dissolution release of Sb from the minerals under certain conditions (Wilson et al., 2004; Yan et al., 2020).Simultaneously, pyrite is also involved in the redox process of Sb(III) via reactive oxygen species produced during its …

The article presents the results of scientific developments in the field of pyro- and hydrometallurgical processing of antimony-containing mineral and technogenic raw materials. Important industrial antimony products are metallic ... ores and antimony concentrates is realized by reducing melting in the presence of carbon: Sb 2 O 3 + 3C=2Sb +3CO ...

(PDF) Processing of Antimony at the Sunshine Mine
antimony ions are freed by the electrowinning cathode process. This al-Iows recycle back to the leach step where the free sulfide solubilizes additional antimony.

Biotechnology of Concentrate and Antimony Ore Processing
The results are presented for using microorganisms for mercury and antimony separation and extraction of oxidized antimony minerals. The problems on technology of direct processing of gold ...

Synergistic promotion of antimony transformation in the …
As one of the important microorganisms in the mining area, the role of iron-sulfur oxidizing microorganisms in antimony (element symbolized as Sb) migration and transformation in mining environments has been largely neglected for a long time. ... 1 School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Key Laboratory of Biohydrometallurgy of ...

A review of the environmental chemical behavior, detection and
Antimony is a dissolved state in water that has a strong migration ability, and when antimony is adsorbed to particles or sediments in water, its migration ability will be reduced. The reduction process can release antimony from sediments into the water environment. The transformation process of antimony is Sb(III) → Sb(V) → Sb(OH) 6 − ...

Three Methods To Antimony Ore Beneficiation And Processing
The specific process flow needs to be designed according to the nature and characteristics of the ore. This process flow is a general process flow and is universal. The specific mineral processing process needs to provide antimony ore samples from the customer to determine the best mineral processing plant. The selection of suitable antimony ...

Treating of antimony mine drainage: challenges and opportunities with
Biogenetic iron oxide minerals from iron corrosion by iron-oxidizing bacteria may prove promising for antimony adsorption, while the micro-environment generated from iron corrosion by iron ...

Treatment of antimony mine drainage: challenges and …
The present article summarizes antimony mine distribution, antimony mine drainage generation and environmental impacts, and critically analyses the remediation …

Dissimilatory Antimonate Reduction and Production of Antimony …
Antimony (Sb) is a metalloid that has been exploited by humans since the beginning of modern civilization. The importance of Sb to such diverse industries as nanotechnology and health is underscored by the fact that it is currently the ninth-most mined metal worldwide. Although its toxicity mirrors that of its Group 15 neighbor arsenic, its …

Efficiency and mechanisms of antimony removal from …
Biogenetic iron oxide minerals from iron corrosion by iron-oxidizing bacteria may prove promising for antimony adsorption, while the micro-environment generated from iron corrosion by iron ...

Bioremoval of arsenic and antimony from wastewater by a …
We investigated the remediation of wastewater containing As and Sb through the application of a mixed culture of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The effect of Fe(II) and different carbon sources on the removal of As and Sb was evaluated. The wastewater initially contained 5 mg L −1 of both As(V) and Sb(V), and the treatment was conducted over a 12-d period.

Synergistic promotion of antimony transformation in the …
In this work, a typical iron-sulfur oxidizing bacterium (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans) and pyrite were employed to construct an iron-sulfur oxidizing bacterium-iron-sulfur mineral interaction system for investigating the behavior of Sb(III) oxidation during microbial-pyrite interactions and further investigating the reaction mechanism.

Alteration of soil microbiomes in an arsenic and antimony co
Additionally, both As and Sb are polyvalent elements and can be metabolized by microorganisms via oxidation, reduction, methylation and demethylation [20], [61]. The …

Environmentally Friendly Leaching of Antimony …
This paper focuses on the environmental leaching of antimony, a critical mineral, using deep eutectic solvents. Mining residues often contain embedded antimony, posing environmental risks. Deep eutectic solvents, …

Bioremediation of antimony from wastewater by sulfate-reducing bacteria
Metal sulfide precipitation by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) is considered to be a promising method for antimony (Sb) removal from wastewater. Moreover, the addition of ferrous ions (Fe(II)) to the SRB system is expected to increase the metabolic activity of SRB. In this study, batch microcosms of SRB, with 0–600 mg/L Fe(II), are used to assess the effect of Fe(II) on …

Oxidizing Roast; Stibnite the Antimony Mineral
The leading antimony mineral is stibnite. In smelting stibnite ore two processes are available, precipitation and roasting-reduction. The former is suited, only for high-grade ores. As low-grade ores are more common than high-grade, roasting-reduction is of greater importance than precipitation.

Treatment of antimony mine drainage: challenges and …
Biogenetic iron oxide minerals from iron corrosion by iron-oxidizing bacteria may prove promising for antimony adsorption, while the micro-environment generated from iron corrosion by iron oxidizing bacteria may provide better growth conditions for symbiotic sulfate reducing bacteria.

"Understanding the Weathering Process of Antimony Minerals…
Changes in oxidizing or reducing conditions can lead to release and mobilization of Sb, As, and Pb into the environment. ... Raphael (2018) "Understanding the Weathering Process of Antimony Minerals: Case Study Sb-Mine Sulzburg, Black Forest, Germany," Applied Environmental Research: Vol. 40: No. 2, Article 1. Available at: https://digital.car ...

"Understanding the Weathering Process of Antimony …
Based on these findings, we argue that sources of toxic elements and weathering process in Sulzburg are important from the ecotoxicity perspective. Changes in oxidizing or …

Kinetic Fractionation of Antimony Isotopes during …
input includes mining and processing of antimony-containing ores and the production of antimony metal.1 Sulfide minerals such as stibnite are commonly mined for Sb extraction, and the tailings left behind from this process are vulnerable to leaching.2 Monitoring of Sb contamination in the

Microbiological Oxidation of Antimony(III) with Oxygen or …
In this study, two bacterial strains, designated IDSBO-1 and IDSBO-4, which grow on tartrate compounds and oxidize Sb (III) using either oxygen or nitrate, respectively, as a …

Relative Reducing Power of Minerals
Mineral Processing; Geotechnical; Geometallurgical & Geochemical; Mine Waste Management; Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Water; Mine Design; ... Arsenic and Antimony. ... it fulfils a special mission, at once oxidizing and reducing. Its chemical energy is such that it reduces cuprous oxide to the metallic state; a change which none of the other ...

Efficiency and mechanisms of antimony removal from …
Recently, removal of metals ions from acid mine wastewater by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) has become a creative method [25], [26]. It was proved that Sb(V) in wastewater could be reduced to Sb(III) by S 2− resulting from sulfate reduction by SRB, and precipitated as stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) [27].Generally, SRB was one kind of strict anaerobic bacteria, and dissolved …

Treatment of antimony mine drainage: challenges and
The present article summarizes antimony mine distribution, antimony mine drainage generation and environmental impacts, and critically analyses the remediation approach with special …

Antimony Processing: Unlocking the Potential of a Versatile …
Refining techniques are employed to further purify and process antimony after it has been extracted from its ore. These techniques aim to remove impurities and obtain high-purity antimony products suitable for specific applications. Here are some commonly used refining techniques in antimony processing: 1. Pyrometallurgical Refining

Antimony in the metallurgical industry: A review of its …
Like most mineral processing, antimony ore processing consists of ore crushing, grinding, classification (gravity separation and cyclones) and flotation. ... (OH) 6 − and Sb(OH) 3 o as the dominant species in oxidizing and reducing conditions, respectively, over the environmental pH range (5–9). For concentrated systems (> ...

Preparation of Antimony Metal by Carbothermal …
antimony ingot reduction. The development of a response surface optimization model can provide a reference for the optimization of process parameters for the preparation of antimony metal by microwave carbon thermal reduction so that the process can prepare high-quality antimony ingots and lay a foundation for further industrial applications.
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