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set 2 Exam 5
Surgical crushing of the stone is called. A term that means destructive to kidney tissue is: An instrument that is used to crush bladder stones is a : Don't know? 3 of 20. Definition. nephrostomy. Choose matching term. The term for a tumor found on mucosal surfaces such as the inner lining of the bladder is.

What is the surgical crushing of kidney stones?
Lithotripsy is a general term meaning stone crushing, and can be applied to the destruction of both kidney stones and gallstones. ... What is the medical term meaning surgical crushing of ...

Chapter 6 Urinary System Flashcards
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The abbreviation for non-invasive surgical crushing of a stone, using shock waves from outside of the body is:, If elevated, this blood test, along with BUN, may indicate impaired kidney function., An increased excretion of urine is known as: and more.

Solved Filling in the Blanks Write a letter in each of the
Filling in the Blanks Write a letter in each of the blanks to complete the terms. 1. The name of the main sugar found in milk is ose. 2. An enzyme that breaks down fats is called ase. 3. Surgical crushing of a stone is tripsy. 4. Any disease of the eye is an pathy. 5. The presence of stones is called lith 6. A deficiency of calcium is calci 7.

Medical Terminology Quizzes 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
surgical crushing of a stone is called. nephrolith. a 32-year-old woman has kidney stones. Which is the proper term for a kidney stone? pyelolithotomy. surgical incision of the kidney to remove a stone from the renal pelvis is: See more. About us. About Quizlet; How Quizlet works; Careers; Advertise with us;

the surgical crushing of a stone is called – Grinding Mill China
Femoral popliteal (also called femoropopliteal) bypass surgery is a surgical procedure that may be used to treat femoral artery disease. A newer, minimally-invasive … » More detailed! The Kidney Stone Web Site – Treatment Options. Eliminating the Kidney Stone Unless the kidney stone is larger than 1/4 inch (or 5mm) in diameter it will most …

Medical Terminology 9 & 10.1 Flashcards
A meatotomy is a surgical procedure to enlarge the opening of the ureter. Group of answer choices True/False. False. The abbreviation K+ stands for potassium. True/False. True. The plural of ovum is ova. True. The prostate gland is also known as Cowper's gland.

Chapter 3 Essential Prefixes and More Practice Test
The pigment in the cells is:, Surgical crushing of a stone is, Destruction of red blood cells that results in liberation of hemoglobin is and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Following a total knee replacement, your patient was anemic, requiring a blood transfusion due to low red pigment in the cells.

Medical Terminology Ch. 3 Flashcards
Surgical crushing of a stone is: photophobia. Unusual sensitivity of the eyes to light is: leukocyte. A term for a white blood cell is: stupor. The combining form in the term "narcotic" means: litholysis. Dissolving or destruction of a calculus is called: necrosis.

Solved The term lithotripsy is defined as:a. an excision of
an incision of the meatus.C. surgical crushing of stone(s).d. surgical repair of the urethra. The term lithotripsy is defined as: a. an excision of a ureter. b. an incision of the meatus. C. surgical crushing of stone (s). d. surgical repair of …

urinary system-medical terminology Flashcards
surgical repair of the renal pelvis. anuria. without (producing) urine. glomerulosclerosis. hardening of the glomerulus. cystoscopy. process of examining the bladder. ... crushing of a stone. cystogram (x-ray) record of the bladder. nephrolith. stone in the kidney. About us. About Quizlet; How Quizlet works; Careers; Advertise with us; Get the app;

Solved QUESTION 35 The surgical term nephrolysis is …
QUESTION 35 The surgical term nephrolysis is defined as: a. Excision of the kidney b. Incision of the kidney C. Creation of an artificial opening in the kidney od. Separating the kidney from other body structures O e. Surgical fixation of the kidney QUESTION 36 The procedural term that means x-ray film of the urinary tract with contrast media ...

set 2 Exam 5 Flashcards
Surgical crushing of the stone is called. lithotrispy. General term for a test performed in the laboratory of the urine is. urinalysis. About us. About Quizlet; How Quizlet works; Careers; Advertise with us; Get the app; For students. Flashcards; Test; Learn; Solutions; Q-Chat: your AI tutor; Modern Learning Lab; Quizlet Plus; Study Guides; For ...

Chapter 10 Surgical Procedures Performed on Urinary Structures …
Crushing of a stone. The stone may be crushed surgically or by using high-energy shock waver or a laser. Lithotrite. ... Surgical incision of the kidney to remove a stone from the renal pelvis. Ureteroplasty. Sugical repair of the ureter. Upgrade to remove ads. Only $35.99/year. About us.

Med Term Chp. 9 Flashcards
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The combining form azot/o refers to _____., The suffix -tripsy refers to _____., The combining form olig/o refers to _____. and more.

What is the medical term meaning surgical crushing of …
Cholelithotripsy is the medical term meaning crushing of a gallstone. This crushing may be done mechanically or using light beams. lithotripsy. It depends on how you …

Surgical crushing of a stone is: Group of answer c | Solvely
The answer is the second one (or B): lithotripsy. Explanation for each option: Calculus: This term refers to a stone, usually in the context of kidney stones or gallstones, but it does not refer to the process of crushing the stone.; Lithotripsy: This is the correct term for the surgical procedure that involves crushing a stone, typically in the kidney, bladder, or ureter.

Word Building
CF = cyst/o Suffix = -pexy Definition = surgical fixation of the bladder. ... CF = lith/o Suffix = -tripsy Definition = surgical crushing of a stone. lithotomy. CF = lith/o Suffix = -otomy Definition = incision to remove a stone. nephrectomy. CF = nephr/o Suffix = -ectomy Definition = removal of a kidney. About us.

Surgical crushing of a stone A. lithotripsy B.
Surgical crushing of a stone. A. lithotripsy. B. neurotripsy. C. pancreatolith. D. cholelith. Select your answer: Next Quiz > Topics: Parts of the Skin Microbes Measles and Hib Food and Nutrition Vision and Hearing Defects Pathology Inflammation Musculoskeletal Diseases Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Effects of Exercise on the ...

med term chap 10 Flashcards
Surgical procedure for removing kidney stones: Mr. Henson receives ___, in which a catheter and a special solution are introduced into the membrane that covers the internal organs of the …

Medical Terminology Chapter 7 Quiz | Quizlet
Crushing of stones is a surgical procedure called _____. 1. end-stage renal disease 2. anorexia. 1. lithotomy 2. nephralgia or nephrodynia. 1. catheterization 2. lithotripsy. 3. antibiotic 4. analgesic. 47 of 54. Term. 3. Mr. M. is diagnosed with multiple renal calculi. The doctor explains that the treatment of choice is to use powerful sound ...

The medical word for surgical crushing of a stone is
The medical term for the surgical crushing of a stone is lithotripsy. This noninvasive procedure utilizes high-intensity ultrasound pulses to fragment stones in the urinary tract into smaller pieces that can be more easily passed. Despite its noninvasive nature, lithotripsy can potentially cause damage to the kidneys. ...

Chapter 6 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Diarrhea is so named because it is an abnormal _____ _____ your body., A meningococcal infection is an infection by cocci of the _____., Postnasal refers to what location relative to the nose? and more.

Solved: What is the surgical crushing of kidney STONES?
1 The surgical crushing of kidney stones is known as Lithotripsy. Helpful. Not Helpful. Explain. Simplify this solution. Super Gauth AI. 😉 Want a more accurate answer? Get step by step solutions within seconds. Check answer now. Related.

chapter 11 Urinary Flashcards
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Suspension or fixation of a floating or moveable kidney is called nephrorrhaphy. nephropexy. nephroptosis. nephrolithiasis. nephrolithotomy., The loss of large amounts of plasma protein in urine, causing systemic edema, is called pyelonephritis. hydronephrosis. nephrohydrosis. nephrotic syndrome. nephropyosis., …

Medical terminology chapter 9 & 10 Flashcards
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following means the same as nephromegaly?, Which of the following is an instrument used for surgical crushing a stone?, Which term means passage of a tubular, flexible instrument into a body channel or cavity or withdraw of fluid or introduction of fluid? and more.

Kidney Stone Surgery and Removal Procedures
SWL is the most common kidney stone treatment. It involves using high-energy shock waves to break up your stones. It works best for small or medium stones (those under 2 …

Medical Terminology Review Flashcards
surgical crushing of a nerve. The term hysterorrhaphy means. suturing of the uterus. The term for inflammation of the gums and tongue is. gingivoglossitis. The term pyogenesis means. formation of pus. The term hypoglycemia means. lower than normal blood sugar level.

Write letter in each of the blanks to complete the terms. 1.
1. The name of the main sugar found in milk is _ Lactose 2. An enzyme that breaks down fats is called __ Lipase 3. Surgical crushing of a stone is -tripsy.

chap. 6
noninvasive surgical procedure to crush stone(s) in the kidney or ureter by administration of repeated shock waves. Stone fragments are eliminated from the body in the urine. ... Stone fragments are eliminated from the body in the urine. (also called shock wave lithotripsy [SWL] fulguration. destruction of living tissue with an electric spark ...
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